Date Word Received: January 23, 2024

Watch video - published January 23, 2024

I, the Lord, this day say to you, My children, do you see it? Do you see that the tides have turned? The winds of change are here. Do you see that more information is coming out day after day? Do you see that the momentum has shifted? The momentum is on the side of truth, the side of life, the side of deliverance, the side of freedom. Do you see it? 

Do you see, My children? The volcano is about to erupt- a volcano of truth, evidence upon evidence, and exposure upon exposure, one right after another. Do you see it? Do you see the flood of truth coming? It is coming like a rapid flood, flowing and flowing, like one flood after another.  

In Noah's day, I filled this Earth with water, and it cleansed it of evil. I promised My children I would never flood the Earth like that again, but I am flooding the Earth with My truth. My truth is filling this Earth, and it will destroy the power of the wicked. Yes, truth is coming. Like I said, more proof is coming. The tides have turned. The winds have shifted. The momentum is on your side. I told you the winds of change are here. They are pushing you up, pushing you out, pushing you over every enemy and all their schemes, plots, and plans. 

Do you see how they are falling apart? Do you see their narrative slipping and failing? Do you see them panicking? No matter how much the news media has lied, as I have told you in past prophetic Words, they have to tell the truth. They cannot hide it anymore. Just wait! Wait for the shocking revelation, truth, and evidence that are about to pour out. They will start to shout. They have to speak the truth, but they do not want to. My children, there is a shout of refusal to tell the truth in the enemies' camps, but they are going to have to. 

But there is also a shout in My camp with My children. There is a shout of truth. There is a shout of freedom because there is nothing the enemy can do to deceive you any longer. They cannot keep their power. They cannot keep their narrative alive. They cannot keep the airwaves or the frequencies. No! The tides have turned. The momentum has shifted. A shift of power- political and spiritual power is shifting and turning. And while the enemies are weakening, I am strengthening you. 

These are the days of Haman when everything your enemies wanted to happen against you is happening to them. They wanted to destroy your president, the rightful president, but their fake one is the one being destroyed. They wanted to lie and bring indictments against the rightful president. Well, I told you I am bringing those indictments down. Now, just wait and see the indictments that are coming

Wait and see the true indictments, the true court cases. I told you that you are going to hear the word tribunal more and more and more. Civil courts, as well as military courts, are going to be filled with cases about justice and truth. 

My children, the tides have turned. And concerning the injustice that has been plaguing your nations and the deception that has been controlling them, justice is being served, and truth is being told.   

I will show you all the wolves in sheep's clothing. I will remove every mask. I will show you who is on the side of truth and who is a liar and a thief. I will show you the deep roots of the establishment in your Nation, oh United States. I will show you how deep and dark they go. I will show you exactly who these roots connect to, not just the people in DC but everyone throughout this country- people at the state level, judges and lawyers in the courts, people in corporations, and those in Hollywood. I will show how all of them were part of the establishment's root system, and of course, this includes the lying media.   

I will show you all the things they have hidden from you. I have told you these things. I will show you all the scripts, deleted emails, and deleted evidence, no matter what it was for or what it was about. I have it all, and it is coming out. It is about to pour out. 

There were things hidden concerning January 6th. And, of course, you know about Hilary and all those deleted emails. But it goes far beyond these things. I will show you the hidden servers. I will show you everything they were doing and all the fake accounts. I will show you all their burner phones. I will show you all their text messages. You will hear their phone calls. You will see videos that have not come out yet because the videos about to surface are about many things regarding your White House, the Supreme Court, the Capitol, Congress, and the Senate. I am showing you all the proof, all the proof, all the proof. All the proof is coming out. Deleted evidence, ha! They can't delete things. Well, they think (they have) in their way, but I have My way. 

So, My children, in this time when the tides have turned, momentum is on your side, and it is going your way and in your direction. Power is shifting. Narratives are changing. The winds of change are changing more than you realize. Yes! They are changing governments. They are changing your judicial system. They are changing judges. They are changing laws. They are also tearing down an illegitimate corporation in this Nation, a corporation that has held you and stolen from you in so many ways.   

This corporation is going to be exposed to the fullest. It is going to be disarmed and annihilated. I am bringing this corporation that has held you, oh United States, to nothing, including everything it has brought to you- every evil, wicked scheme of the enemy it brought into this Nation. I am exposing it and destroying it. 

Your lives are about to change in a major way. I am going to expose things that you did not even know were against you, things that you thought were a completely normal way of life. I am going to expose how it was just another form of corruption, another form of slavery and bondage. 

So, My children, the power is shifting in this hour. Your enemies are retreating. They are falling apart and turning on each other. Watch! You will see them fall and turn on each other. 

Whistleblowers are going to come forward even more in this hour, those that I have held back until this time. Computers are going to surface, and the evidence in these computers will not be suppressed any longer. There are so many computers with so much proof that were held for the right time. 

So, hold on because the winds have changed. The tide has turned. The momentum has shifted, and the enemies’ narrative is being destroyed day by day. I will have My way. I will have My way in this day. I will have My way in this hour of power. The tides have turned. The momentum has shifted.  

Power, power- people in this hour are about to lose their power. So, get ready not only for upset but also for shock and awe. And get ready to celebrate. Stay focused on My Word and stay focused on Me because you will see Me at work. You will see Me and My Authority. You will see Me and what I am about to do for not only this Nation but nations around the world. 

I have heard your cries. I have heard your prayers, and I am answering them for you. This is the hour and the time when I am about to pour out My Spirit on this Earth like never before. You will see Me turn things around for your good. You will see that I am good, that I am your Father, that I am your protector, and that I am your deliverer because this is that time.    

2024 is the year of more. More of Me, you will see, saith the Lord. 


