Date Word Received: January 24, 2024 (Second Prophecy)

Watch video - published February 7, 2024

I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, that justice will prevail. Do you hear these Words I am saying? Justice will prevail. The exposure and evidence of all the lies, deception, corruption, and wickedness are flooding in, pouring in, and going viral through all the airwaves and social media worldwide. I am releasing every prisoner who has been held unjustifiably in those prison cells under the control of the Washington establishment or any other corrupt government. I am releasing them

I am blowing those doors wide open just like Paul and Silas. I am releasing the captives and not only physically releasing them, but I am releasing the captives free all throughout this world. I'm releasing My children and those walls, and those walls are coming down. Those prison doors are opening wide and breaking wide open during this time of shaking, during this time of shaking.  

I am blowing those doors wide open, just like (I did for) Paul and Silas. I am releasing the captives, and not just from physical prison cells. I am releasing all captives worldwide (from any type of captivity). I am releasing My children, and those walls are coming down. Those prison doors are breaking wide open during this time of shaking. 

My children, I have told you about these prison cells of deception (they're using) to try and control you with sickness, disease, fear, doubt, worry, and unbelief. They are trying to control you financially, socially, and in every other way. They have stolen from you and cheated you out of things. They have done all these things against you physically and mentally. They have controlled you with fear and deception. Well, I will tell you right now that justice will prevail. 

My justice will be seen. Judgment will be served. I am telling you, oh United States, that I am blasting the doors wide open on every wicked scheme, plot, bribe, and everything else that has been going on in your government. I am showing you all the corruption. I am showing you every thief and criminal. I am showing you every person against you, the Constitution, and Me. I am showing you. 

I am showing you My vengeance, saith the Lord. I will show you that I will have the final say. I will show you that the enemies will not have their way. They will not do what they want to this Nation or with this virus. I will expose, expose, expose all who are bringing forth this virus. I will show you every laboratory where they cooked up these things. I will show you their bioweapons, and I will show you where they store everything. 

My children, I have told you before, and I am telling you again that there are bio labs everywhere. They have tried to hide these labs in different nations around the world and used your taxpayer money to fund them. I am exposing every president and government that was a part of these bio labs and the weapons of warfare- those bioweapons of warfare meant to bring destruction to this Earth. Well, I am going to show this Earth Who is really in control

I am the healer. I am Jehovah Rapha. I am the healer, and I am restoring health back to My people. I am restoring wealth back to My people. I am restoring their freedoms. I am restoring all that has been stolen from them, saith the Lord. I will give you back everything that rightfully belongs to you- your nation and your freedom. 

I am reversing the captivity of all the people who were wrongfully imprisoned for the insurrection, that pitiful, pitiful lie. I told you that I am showing the blueprints of everything they (the enemies) did and every person that was in control and had a part in it. I am releasing everyone in Washington, DC, who is wrongfully imprisoned. And then I will show you the prison cells where all the people who committed treason in this Nation will be going. 

I have told you time and time again that judgment is coming. But now, judgment is here. Judgment is here, so you will start to see more of them fall, fall and fail, over and over again. I will show you where all of them are going and where some have already gone. I will show you what is going on in Guantanamo and Greenland. I will show you what is going on in many places where the military is involved that you had no idea. 

The greatest coup that has ever been done against this Nation is about to be unraveled. So, hold on because justice will prevail. Justice is being served, saith the Lord. 


