Date Word Received: August 16, 2023

Watch video - published August 24, 2023

Your enemies have dreaded this day. Yes, I say this over and over again. Your enemies have dreaded this day because, this day, all hell is quivering at the thought of seeing My children take their (rightful) places. Hell sees you taking back your territory. Hell sees that you know your authority. Hell knows they are losing their power and the ability to deceive you into thinking they have authority over you when they don't. He (Satan) has nothing. He has been brought to nothing, and anybody he uses has also been brought to nothing. 

Yes, this is the start of a new day, new exposures, great, mighty, explosive exposures, and truth coming in. Oh, yes, it's coming in. It's like a tsunami wave about to break on land, a tsunami wave that will destroy your enemy's plan. This is a new day. This is a new way, I say, a new way to use My Word with force and destroy your enemy. My children, I say restoration is coming this day. Restoration, deliverance, justice, and judgment are coming. 

Oh, yes, you will see it. You will see it. You will see it, but you will not partake. Justice is coming because I am justice. I have seen the injustice, the evil, and what your enemies are doing to you. But this is the time I have been waiting for. 

I have been waiting for My children to break out, break forth, and break through all the tests and chains, all the things your enemy is doing to keep you in his prison cell. 

And you, My children, are doing it. You are breaking out. You are breaking out. Yes, you are breaking out of those chains and those prison cells he's had you in. You are breaking out of the darkness, anguish, and torment. You are breaking out of the (mindset) of the impossibility of ever winning because now you are seeing you've won. 

The enemy has used great deception. It has been like a cloud over the Earth and My people, a great deception people believed was true. 

Well, now those clouds are breaking apart, My light is shining through, and My light is destroying all the darkness. I am telling you, My children, My hand is big enough. My hand is moving, and I am destroying your enemies' plans and what they have done to you personally. I am destroying it. 

My children, you will finally know Me. Walk by faith this day. Walk by faith, I say. Walk by faith and live in a new way. Start living in a new way this day. 

The walls are coming down. The walls are breaking. "What walls, Lord?" The walls that were against you, that kept you in this world system, that kept you from seeing the truth, that kept you in such despair, that kept you in hopelessness, that kept you sick, that kept you in poverty and lack, and under great oppression. Those walls- you are about to see those walls completely destroyed. 

You are about to see the narrative the news media has used to prop up the ones in DC completely collapse. This narrative has kept the establishment alive and in control. At least, they thought (they were in control), but they never were. 

A great narrative and great deceit regarding "the Biden" is about to be seen. Not much longer now. Not much longer now, and their entire narrative will fall apart. 

Obstruction of justice. You will now see the proof of this. Oh, My children, just wait. Just wait for what I am about to reveal to you. Pride comes before a fall, and your enemies have become very prideful. They're making one mistake after another. 

The fall is coming. The fall is coming. A great fall is coming. Be prepared for this fall. You may think you know what fall I am talking about. You will know it when you see it. A great fall is coming. Get ready for great change, saith the Lord. 


