Date Word Received: February 16, 2024

Watch video - published February 16, 2024

Children of the Most High God, wake up. Wake up this day. Wake up to My truth, to My Words, and they will set you free. Receive My Words down in your hearts. Protect your faith; protect it from the spirit of fear.   

Fear is running rampant right now. It wants to devour you, destroy you, and lead you in the wrong direction. The spirit of fear is a liar. He (the enemy) has things appear one way so that you will walk by sight, believe in his lies, believe in him, and go towards that course of destruction. There are many lies that have been told to you and your nation to bring fear, chaos, and disruption.   

The enemy wants to cut you off from My Words, your faith, your freedom, and the blessing. He wants to cut you off from every single thing I have for you. He cuts it off with fear, and fear brings torment. 

So, My children, even though the Words I speak to you today are a warning, they are not to bring fear. Do you hear? What I am about to say is not to bring fear. It is to warn you about what is going on and what your enemies are planning.   

I give you this warning so you stand in faith, believe in Me, and trust that I am your defender. Trust that I am your fortress and your deliverer. I am what you need in this time. I am all you need. 

Don't look to the left or the right. Don't look to governments or any other man. Do not look to these things. Look to Me, not mankind. I am not saying you can't trust people. That is not what I am saying. But don't let the spirit of confusion in. Don't put faith in their words over Mine. If they bring you fear or confusion, cut them off, get into My Word, and ask Me what to do about these things. Do not rely on your own understanding right now. I am telling you, My children, do not rely on your own understanding. It will lead you in the wrong direction. 

So, I am warning you this day that security threats surround your nation, United States of America. There are security threats that you had no idea were going on. They want to bring in terrorism like this country has never seen. 9/11 was nothing compared to this. They are distracting you with other security threats to get your mind focused on another country. Russia is no threat to you. Do you hear Me? That is just a diversion to cause deception.   

One of the biggest security threats this Nation faces today is the Washington establishment. They gave intelligence, your secrets, to foreign governments and paid foreign governments to infiltrate you through your border. They put people from foreign governments and foreign intelligence communities in your government. They put them in political positions. Some are right in front of your face, but some are hidden. They want to cause chaos, and they are the biggest security threat to this Nation. The one who sits in the White House- they put him there on purpose to show weakness to other nations.   

They are foolish. Do not get Me wrong. They are foolish for trying to put someone in (the White House) who is illegitimate and was already having cognitive problems. But they did this on purpose to show weakness to other governments and to show them this was their time- to invade and bring disruption, disorder, and chaos to bring this Nation to its knees and destroy it from within. 

They have distracted you, looking this way, that way, at this breaking news, or that breaking news, so you don't see what is right in front of you- that they are passing laws and paying governments with bribes or blackmail, using your taxpayer dollars to destroy you. They are pulling money from thin air with their unlimited budgets- to pad their own pockets, make their own laws, make it harder on you, and bring the enemy here. But the enemy is already here. They were (already) in your government, and (now) they (have) let the other enemies in. 

I have My people in position. I have documents that will be released, proving (the truth about) all the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the treason, and every criminal in your Nation’s capital. Phone conversations have been recorded, and your enemies have no idea they still exist. Many emails are about to surface, and not only the ones Hillary Clinton deleted. Those are just the ones you have heard about. There are many people in your government who deleted email after email to hide the security threats because they were the cause.   

I am going to show you every person in your government and at the Pentagon who has attached themself to China. China has more influence in this Nation than you realize. China sent military personnel from Iran to the United States. They also sent other people from Iraq and Afghanistan to this Nation. They have sent many people from many nations to the United States, but I have it all. I have it all. I know exactly where they are and what they are doing, and I have put My people in place.   

I said that I infiltrated the infiltrators. And concerning the sabotage they wanted to bring to this Nation, I put My people in place to sabotage their plans instead. I am warning you about what they are doing- they want to bring war to this soil, a different type of war. You have already been engaged in it. It is a war of disinformation. You have already been enslaved and in bondage that you did not even know existed. They crippled you with their unlawful laws, and they twisted and manipulated your Constitution.   

Wake up America. Wake up to their plan. Wake up. Wake up. They have invaded your land.  

But I am not telling you this to bring you fear. I am telling you this so you will pray, stand, speak My Words, and use My Authority. Do you hear? Do you hear? Do not fear. I will disrupt the enemies' chaos, and I will show them I am the Most High God. At the same time, I will show My children that I am their protector and their deliverer. 

I am telling you that everything, including all the documents, is coming to the forefront- the proof and the truth about every person who has been against this country, both now and in the past, and what they did to get you to where you are right now. 

So, My Nation, the United States of America, a great shaking is coming to your land, but it is not a shaking you should fear. This shaking will make it very clear who is on your side and who is not. It is to show you that I am the ultimate defender and protector of this Nation and that this Nation belongs to Me and not your enemies. There are more of you than there are of them. 

So, with this warning, do not fear because I am near. I will not fail this Nation. I will not fail My children. I will not fail to defend, protect, or deliver you out of this mess

So, stop the fear. Get in faith. Trust in Me and not in what you see, and I will show you great Glory, saith the Lord. 


