Date Word Received: March 31, 2024

Watch video - published April 8, 2024

This Nation will be plunged into a darkness it has never known or felt. This great darkness will bring the greatest light and awakening ever experienced in this Nation or the world. This darkness will change this Nation's course, and it will change the hearts of millions back to Me. 

This darkness is for the judgment against your rulers who have blasphemed Me by their acts, sexual perversion, unjust laws, thievery, and godless ruling and reigning. They have put this Nation on a course of destruction and devastation. This darkness and violent shaking will destroy their power and change everything happening in this great country. 

Evil will no longer be in control. The heart of this Nation will completely turn back to Me. Much confusion is coming to those who refuse to believe and much calamity and devastation to those who are against Me. Much death is coming to the ones who brought much death to the world. 

My children, the hour for the greatest shaking this Nation has ever experienced is here. This political, civil, and severe economic and natural shaking is to break you away from them and save this Nation from total annihilation. 

You are about to see things your eyes and minds will not totally understand. But remember, I gave you these Words and warnings to make you aware and assure you that this judgment is not for you, but rather, for the ones who put My Nation on the course of death. 

I am the life that will bring this country back to where it should have been all along. So, My children, brace your hearts and get your minds fixed on Me. Do not fear or dread what is about to take place. That which is coming will bring a freedom you have never known before and a life you have never lived. 

So, stand strong now. Do not give in, back up, or back off from My Words. This Nation will rise. My Glory will be seen, and a great restoration will take place. I am in control, not your enemies, and the world is about to see that this is true. Great Glory and a great outpouring of My Spirit on all flesh is about to take place. 

So, receive what I have planned for you and see the total demise I have planned for your enemies. Celebrate! Your time of restoration has come, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


