Date Word Received: January 24, 2023

Watch video - published February 6, 2023

My children, I know things look dark, and you have been in despair. I know that My church looks broken, and most of the time, they weren't even aware I was missing in their services. They don't know there has been a shaking and an awakening. 

This is the time for revival and for My church to reunite as one. This is the time to tear down the spirits of religion and legalism. This is the time to tear down the spirits that brought fear and overwhelmed My church. This is the time to bring it all down. It is the time to bring down the spirit of depression in My church, to bring down these spirits that have broken My people, overwhelmed them, and brought so much pressure and pain. 

This is the time for My children to break forth and break free. Yes, I said free. I freed My people before their exodus, and I am freeing My people once again. No matter what your enemies have done to you or how many ways they've done it, I am Jehovah Rapha, and I am the healer. I am coming down to deliver My people. I am coming down to bring healing that you have never known. Yes, some of you have never known healing the way you're about to. 

My people have been in pain all the time. They've been broken, battered, and bruised, but this is a time of rapid things. Rapid, oh yes, I said rapid. A rapid move of My spirit. A rapid intensity of healing, signs, miracles, and wonders. This is the time for things to pick up. Oh, you will see something with your enemies, but laugh because I am laughing in the heavenlies. I sit in the heavenlies and laugh because I know the end from the beginning. My children need to know that I am the one true God, and I am bringing down every single enemy that you face today. My angel armies are moving; they are moving before you. So believe Me, My children, that's all I ask of you. I'm asking you to believe Me; believe Me more than what you see.   

You go forth with Me on the inside of you. Go forth with Me. Go into battle with Me because if you go into battle with Me, you are not alone. Go into battle with Me because I've already conquered the world. You go into battle with Me, and there is no devil in Hell that will stop what I have planned for you. 

So, My children, it's time to break free and break forth. It is time to move, march, and take back the ground the enemy has stolen from My church. It is time, My children. It is time for the exodus that you have been waiting for. It is time to bring down the pharaohs of today. It is time to bring them down, and it is time to see your enemies fall. Yes, it is. Oh yes, it is. 

My children have thought, God, it's taking so long. God, where are you? I don't think you're coming, God. They're taking more of our freedoms. Where are you, God? Why aren't you listening? My children, all I needed from you was your belief and trust in Me. I need you to believe Me more than you believe what you feel. I need you to trust Me more than you believe anything that Washington, DC is doing. Don't put your faith and trust in what you see because I'm a supernatural God. Oh yes, I'm a supernatural God, and I will put the super in the natural.   

My children, all you need to do is expect more from Me. I am going to show up in churches. Some of them may not know what to do because I am going to show up in the midst of them, even those who are unaware, and I'm going to make My presence known. Some will shake, and some will get in fear, but it will shake the chains off because this is the time to shake those shackles off. This is the time to break forth and break free. My children, this is the time of 2023 when you will see Me. So go forth in your victory, saith the Lord. 


