Date Word Received: October 10, 2022

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I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that great destruction and great devastation are coming to your enemies, and to the enemies of Almighty God. A great fall is coming, a great change of leadership, a great change of scenery, and a great change of governments. Get ready, My children. It is the hour for change. In a way, it will be difficult for some to bear, because they didn't believe My prophets nor heed any of My warnings I had given to them. A great exchange is taking place. Great walls will crumble to the ground. A scrambling has begun with this fraudulent government - it's running out of options, and it's running out of time.

Tick tock goes the clock. The clock is about to strike twelve, and twelve is a number your enemies hate. But My children know what it stands for- government and authority. My authority and My government shall rule this Earth, and it shall completely destroy the godless system that's upon this Earth.

A great shift has started. So, My children, prepare to see things you would not expect. Prepare to see My hand move in ways you didn't think possible. Prepare to receive from Me things you didn't ask for. I am moving now, so do not lose heart and do not faint, for you are at the end of these ungodly governments and the systems they put in place against you. It's your time, My children, so be My children that I put you on this Earth to be.

You are overcomers, and you are more than conquerors because you are My children. I am showering My love upon you, which will restore everything that has been stolen, so get ready to receive and get ready for Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Instrumental: this word will be used in your news for a very unusual reason.

Trumbull: this name will be in your news.

Watch London. Something is about to take place there that will get the world's attention.

Sudan is about to be in your news.

New Zealand will be in your news. Something is about to rock that nation.

Greenland will soon be in your news. Many things are taking place there that the world will soon hear about.

Gorbachev: this name will be in your news. Truth will pour out regarding this name, and expose more that is going on in Russia than you realized. Things are not how they appear with Putin. I will say again, maneuvers are being made to help the United States. You have no idea what information will be released that has been held back until the right time. That time is about to start, and a great uproar this will bring.

Listen to these words carefully- red and October. Then put them together. Remember, do not go by appearances. I told you about things that were hidden in the water, that your enemies were about to use against you. My children, it is now being stopped, and soon, you will hear and see what has been used against you. Do not listen to what the news is saying about Putin. There has been a great war of false information and distractions, to cause the world to believe these falsehoods.

The war in front of you has been a deception, so you would believe one thing, when the truth is totally different. I will reveal the truth. I am using many people, My children, that you would never guess I could use.

Stay on guard, stay in My Word, and stay praying, saith the Lord.

Conquest: this word will be used in your news in a way you wouldn't have expected.

Battles have been going on where the world did not see them- a war of information, a war to save the children, a war to save the nations, and a war to stop these man-made catastrophes, man-made shortages, man-made inflation, and man-made economic destruction. A war has been going on to stop more coups from taking place. And a war has been going on to bring the right leaders back into their places of power. A war has been going on, a war of all wars.

They took your peace. They took your children. They took your governments. They controlled the narratives. They stole your freedoms and your jobs. They stole your finances. They blackmailed. They bribed. They weaseled their way into controlling this world. They stole intelligence agencies, so they could fight against you and not for you. They twisted the truth into lies so people would believe everything they said. They stole the truth from you, and used your money to steal more. Many things have been upside down, but I am about to abruptly turn it right side up, and your enemies won't know what hit them, saith the Lord of Hosts.

January 6th: information has been suppressed, but it is about to be released. It has been held back until the right time, so your enemies couldn't cover it up with more lies and get away with it. This information will set everyone free who has been illegally detained and imprisoned. I am opening those prison cells as I did for Paul and Silas. My children, if I did it for them, I can do it now, too.

I will overturn everything unjust in this Nation. Nothing they have done against you will stand. Do not ever forget who I am and what I can do, saith the Lord of Hosts.

More military movements will be seen that can't be denied. I told you these things were coming to remind you that I am in control. Again I tell you, these are the days of more whistleblowers, and these whistleblowers have more explosive information that hasn't been released yet.

All this information will cause an avalanche of truth to hit your enemies and destroy all the false narratives.

I will say again, one day, everything seems normal, and the next, sudden changes. It's on the horizon.

So, My children, prepare to see these things. Prepare with Me, and I will show you how to use your authority, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


