Date Word Received: March 28, 2024 (Second Prophecy)

Watch video - published March 28, 2024

My children, these are the days of sabotage. Your enemies are trying to sabotage every part of your life. They are trying to sabotage your Nation. They are trying to sabotage your airlines and planes. They are trying to sabotage the railroads. They are trying to sabotage your economy. And yes, they are trying to sabotage your waterways.   

What you saw the other day was no accident, and I tell you, My children, I will show the proof. I have evidence of what they did. They cannot hide the evidence that is coming- what took place, the architect behind it, and the blueprints showing how and when to do it- all to cause shortages, chaos, and disruption. My children, I will show you who was behind it all. And, yes, it is part of the Washington establishment, the ones in DC. It is them.  

They are sabotaging your Nation. They are destroying your food. They are destroying your medicines. They are destroying your air. They are destroying your water. They are destroying your children and their mindsets. They strategically planned these attacks. 

I told you about a great war. Well, you have been in it, and now is the time for you to fight. It is time for you to fight in My Name, with My Word, with My power, and with My Authority because a time is coming when they will commit more sabotage against you. This was just the start. 

But this is nothing to fear. I am telling you this to give you My Words so they can encourage you, bring you strength, and make you aware of what your enemies are up to. Obviously, they are up to no good. They are doing evil with their schemes, plots, and plans, but I am destroying them all. I have been warning you of this time—the time of the end, the time of shakings, the time of great falls, the time of great evidence, evidence your enemies thought would never come into the spotlight, never be shown, never be revealed.   

The Afghanistan withdrawal: I will show exactly who planned it, exactly what was going on, and what they did against this Nation. I will show you the great and mighty payoff—where all that money is going and where it went. That was an act of war against your country. Do you see it? I will show you the perpetrators, the traitors, and I will reveal to you all the treasonous acts against you.   

Many in your military are about to blow the doors wide open. Treason! My children, treason has been committed on a scale never known before. Treason! I will reveal to you all the traitors and all those who have committed treason against you. And everything they wanted you to forget about, well, I will make sure you hear it because all the secrets they have been hiding will be revealed.   

I told you that shock and awe were coming, and they are. They wanted you to forget about Benghazi. Well, I have not forgotten. I know the architect and the blueprints of that incident. That, too, was a treasonous act committed by your own government. I will show what they did against you, the evidence they tried to hide, and why it took place. 

You will see that nothing has gotten past Me. I have told you for years, My children, to watch the cargo ships. Again, I go back to the one in Baltimore. Do you remember that it was a cargo ship? There was much hidden on that ship and many others in that bay, surrounding it, or near it. I will show you what was in those containers. I will show you what they are trying to hide or disrupt.   

A great shaking is coming, a shaking of traitors, especially the traitors in your country. Whistleblowers are going to come out like never before. They are going to sing like canaries, and there is nothing the enemies can do to stop it because I am protecting them.   

And there are some that your enemies thought, listen very carefully, they thought they killed, but they are actually alive. I am protecting them so your enemies cannot get to them. 

So be aware and be prepared because the more evidence and truth that come out worldwide, the more fires your enemies will have to put out because all their plans are being disrupted. The more chaos that happens in their camps, the more angry, fearful, and desperate they will become. And they are becoming extremely fearful.   

Many attacks have been planned against this country. Many. I will give you a word: trojan horse. And I will show you who is all inside. I will show you who put them there. Let Me be very clear, My children. I already knew your enemies' plans before they even planned them. I knew what they were going to do and when. I have allowed them to go so far to bring their destruction, not yours. Again, it is for their destruction, not yours. They want you to be in fear because they are in fear. They want to destroy you in every possible way, but they can't. They want to rip apart this Nation and everything it stands for. They want to destroy the foundation of this Nation. They have been trying for years, but they can't. They can only go so far; they can't go any further.   

Watch: a judge, then more judges, are about to be exposed, and many will be disbarred. Whoa to the judges in this Nation who have ruled against truth, justice, or the Constitution of this country, and instead ruled the way they wanted for political reasons. There are many of you, and the days of Haman are here for you. I will expose to the world everything you tried to hide, how you ruled, and who paid you to make those rulings while ignoring truth and evidence. I will show it.   

A rattling is occurring now. A rattling is taking place in your Supreme Court. Their walls are cracking, and they are about to crumble. Do you hear My Words? The highest court in the land has ruled against your Nation because of blackmail or because they were paid off. I will show you the treasonous traitors. Some will be removed. Some will not keep their lives.   

There is a shaking going on in the White House. There is a shaking going on in your White House. You will see it. I am shining the light on a great secret and many secrets that were hidden in deep darkness by the establishment. 

Something will come out about "the Biden" that they can no longer hide. They cannot hide what is inside that house. Do you hear it? They cannot hide what is inside that house.   

Rattling, shaking, explosions, truth, proof, and evidence—it is all coming. It is all coming because I am shining My light on all their darkness and revealing all their secrets. They cannot hide from Me. I am bigger than your enemy.   

So, My children, shout this day. Shout and realize that I am El Elyon. I am the Most High God, and there is nothing and no one bigger than Me. You will see a great and mighty victory. You will see things that no eye has ever seen. You are about to experience something—an amount of My Glory like I have never poured out upon this Earth before.   

I am going to show the world that I am still alive. I am going to show the world that I am still in control. I am going to show the world that I am still the Most High God. And I am going to show the world that I am still the God with Whom nothing is impossible. I am going to show the world. I am going to show the world My love. I am going to show the world My justice and judgment against the enemies of Almighty God. Enemies of Almighty God: your days are numbered, your plans are through, and I am bringing them to nothing. 

So, My children, keep calling them down. Part of your marching orders is to say, declare, and decree your victory every day. Declare it. Declare your victory. Declare your healing. Declare your prosperity. Declare your freedom. Declare it. There is authority in your words because they are words that I am giving you. Speak them, and I will make sure they come to pass.   

So receive it this day, that I am in their way, saith the Lord your Redeemer.   


