Date Word Received: Aug 18, 2022

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For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to listen carefully to My instructions. Spend more time with Me. Spend more time in My Word. Spend more time praising and worshiping Me. These are the days that I need My children to really know who I am, to know the power in the Name of Jesus, to know how much authority you have on this Earth, and to know there is more you can do regarding every situation in your life.

Do not bow. Do not bend. Do not give in. Do not fear. This is the time to rise above all that is trying to hold you down; soar above your enemies, and cut off the power that has been holding you. How, Lord, do we cut off their power?

Stop believing in their power. Stop believing and trusting in their ability to do all these things against you. Trust Me to help you more than you trust in their ability to harm you. My children, get out of religious traditions and get to know Me and who I really am and not what some man has told you or what a doctrine has told you about Me. Get to know Me. How you do that is by spending time in My written Word, by fellowshipping with Me, by being still, and by sitting quietly before Me. Then I will reveal Myself more and more to My children during this time.

Everything is changing. The shift has begun. The shift of what, Lord? The shift of political power. The shift from their system into My system. The shift from a One World Government controlling everything to My children taking back control of what was already theirs. The shift of a revival out of complacency and just putting up with everything going on in this world and your own personal lives to receiving from Me what I have already provided. My children, that means everything you needed before you needed it. Everything has already been given, and now it is time for you to receive it. A shift of possessions has begun- a shift from their narrative controlling the Earth to one where truth is released, setting the captives free. It is all coming to an explosive place. So brace for this impact. It's coming, My children. Get ready for the flood of truth I have been speaking of that will turn this world right side up instead of being upside down, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Catapult: this word will be in the news.

"Suspicious activity": this phrase will be in your news. Things that have been suspicious will be revealed, and this will reveal the truth, saith the Lord.

Android: this word will be in the news.

Look for signs in the sky, My children. There will be signs in the sun, moon, stars, and clouds. Unusual, they will say in your news- angelic, abnormal, weird, and some would even say frightening but not for My children. I am giving you more signs to show you I am in control and that your enemies' time in control of this Earth is over. These signs shall show you that this time is not far off. You are in the time of the shift, shakings, turnarounds, and a Great Exodus, saith the Lord of Hosts.

"A hostile situation": this phrase will be in your news. Do not fear what they are saying. They are just words. They are setting up stages all over the world to try and deceive the world about what is really going on. Remember, My children, things are not how they appear right now. What you see is all about to change. Your enemies are losing control- losing their grip, and the more this happens, the more fear it will bring them, and the more they will reveal who they really are on camera.

Another fall is coming on live TV, and this will indicate their final fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.

"Dante's Peak": this phrase will be in your news. It's not for what you think, but you will know it when you see it.

Catamaran: this word will be in your news.

Keep your eyes on Sicily. Many things are about to come out of Italy.

The Knights of Columbus will be in your news. Truth shall be revealed about what has been hidden. The Catholic Church has a lot of explaining to do after a whistleblower comes forth with the truth on what has been hidden that won't stay hidden any longer, saith the Lord.

A famous tunnel will be in your news.

A well-known mountain range is about to be in the news.

A design flaw is about to be reported in your news, but it wasn't a flaw at all. My children, some things are done on purpose to cause havoc, supply issues, and shortages to be able to raise prices and hit your economy so they can earn more while everyone else struggles to pay for things. This has been going on behind the scenes, but I am shutting this down and exposing all who have caused such things upon this Earth. Judgment has come, and it will be seen against the ones who are against you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Andromeda: this word will be in the news.

Adam Schiff: a whistleblower is about to come out and expose who you really are and all that you have been hiding. Adam, I have warned you, but you refused to listen. Embarrassment and shame you shall feel, and a fall you shall take in front of the world that you will not recover from, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Hazelnut: this word will be in the news.

An aquarium will also be in your news.

A national forest will be in your news.

Tuff Hedeman will be in your news.

A lightning strike will be in your news for a significant reason.

Amherst: this name will also be in your news.

Another Hollywood actor will die.

"Grounds for dismissal": this, too, will be in your news.

Merrick Garland: you were warned, but you went too far. I gave you time to repent, but you refused. Your moves against My son will be your last. You are about to take a hit you will not recover from. Your exposure will be great, and so will your fall. The truth about Mar-A-Lago will come out and what you and the Deep State really wanted to recover from there but couldn't. You wanted to hide the truth to stop the fall of D.C. and all who have been in control, but you can't because you can't stop Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, the more your enemies pursue you and try to cause more harm, the greater their fall. This will not last, and what they're planning on doing next will be their last-ditch effort to stay in power. Do not fear what they are saying or doing against your rightful president. I have all I need to clear his name and indict all his enemies. I have always been many steps ahead of your enemies, you would say. They had no idea of all the traps that were set, so they walked right into them. They're all coming down, and it will cause a great shaking that will shake the nations loose from their control. 

My children, shout! Your deliverer is here, and you are about to see Me at work taking down this evil regime, their world control, and giving back to you what is already yours. This is that time, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


