Date Word Received: December 8, 2023

Watch video - published December 8, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day tell you, My children, everything you see before you- the death, the destruction, and all the wicked and evil- appears to be lording over this world. Your enemies are controlling the news media, what you hear, the education system, your government, your medicine, the corporate world, the seven mountains of influence, and even some of the churches, or so it may appear. 

It may appear impossible for anything to change. It looks impossible for justice to ever be served. It looks impossible and like there is no hope for deliverance from any of these situations. It looks impossible for truth to reign. It looks impossible for the wicked to come down from their places of power.  

It looks impossible for any miracles, signs, or wonders to happen because the wicked and evil are out of control and ruling and reigning. It looks impossible to some that the prayers they have been praying can or will be answered. It looks impossible regarding the doctor’s report you have been given. It looks impossible regarding your children and their situations because of the blinders that have been on their eyes and the deception they have fallen for. It looks impossible for anything to change with your finances. It looks impossible for things to change with your job. It looks impossible to destroy all the fraud. 

It looks impossible for anything to change course or for good to win and prevail in anything you face today. People say, "It's impossible for people to be removed (from positions) or for governments to fall. It's impossible for the money to be ripped from those who have been hoarding all the finances in the world and given to whom it belongs." People say all these things are impossible. "People will be raised from the dead. Impossible." "People will be healed from an incurable or terminal disease. Impossible." 

It is not impossible for Me. You see, I am the Great I AM. Get into My Word, My children, and bring up your faith. Lift it up. I will reveal Myself to you as El Shaddai. I am revealing Myself to you as the Almighty God. I am revealing Myself to you; that I am still that One. 

It is impossible for man to change all these things; yes, it is, with man's power, man's ability, and man's reasoning. But I have told you time and time again that I am the way. I am truth. I am life, and all things are possible with Me. I have told you this in My Word. I am not a God that I should lie. 

I have told you about great victories. I have told you about the enemies' defeat. I have told you the narratives of the enemies were all coming down. I told you great exposures were coming; whistleblowers were exposing. I told you about laptops. I told you about body camera footage. I told you about the emails. I told you about the phone calls and the surveillance cameras. I have told you time and time again that I have infiltrated the infiltrators because I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Beginning and the End. 

I know what the enemies are planning. I know what they are doing, and nothing is impossible for Me to stop them in their tracks. They are heading down every path I knew they would go down. They are making the plans that I knew they were going to make, and I knew the things they were going to take away from you. 

Many, many have been caught red-handed. Many have already been sentenced, and more sentencing and justice are being passed down. Justice is being served. You say "impossible" because it looks like your justice system is not upholding your laws and that no justice is being served at all. 

Your judicial system is being cleansed, washed, and shaken by Me. Judges that stand against Me are about to flee. I have seen the judges who will not uphold the law. I have seen what they have been doing with their wicked and evil schemes, plots, and plans against this Nation. I have seen what they have done around the world. I have seen what they have done with governments- hiding them behind their injustice, their lies, their schemes, and their backroom deals. 

You are about to find the money trail. Money, lots of money, has been given, traded, or (used to) blackmail and sabotage. Oh, yes, you will see, My children, all the things they have been doing with your tax money and against you in this Nation, how they were padding their pockets and who was paying them, how so many people in your government have gotten multi-millions of dollars to make plans and pass laws to destroy the foundation of this Nation, your judicial system, your election system, the economy, and your government in every single way. They will all pay. They will all pay. 

This is impossible for man to do alone. Many look to My David. Many look to My son, President Trump. They look to him to do all these things. They look to him to fix all these things, but even he cannot do it alone. And he cannot do it without Me. But he has been anointed and appointed in this hour. Yes, he will be used by Me mightily. But My children, do not look to him alone to fix what you see. Do not rely on him alone to turn things around because it is Me (that turns things around). 

Do you see why I had to set him aside? Do you see? I know many do not believe Me or agree with My plan. But these things had to take place because, My children, you cannot look to a man to save you. You have to look to Me, the God with Whom nothing is impossible- El Shaddai. I am Almighty God. I am the Great I AM. I am Elohim. I created this Earth, and I am going to cleanse this Earth. 

There is a shaking (happening) on this Earth that I have told you about over and over and over again. Judgments are coming. A darkness is coming. Things will be uncomfortable for some people. But with My Remnant, My light and My Glory are going to shine through you even greater in the midst of that darkness. You will feel My presence more. You will receive more revelation, miracles, signs, and wonders. This is that hour. This is that time for My Church and My children to rise up in Me in greater Glory. Rise up in Me in greater Glory, and greater Glory you will see. 

So, in this time of impossibility, know that I am that God Who will show up for you. I am that God that will show you nothing is impossible for Me. So, put your trust (in Me) and rely on Me this day. 

Great removals are about to take place. I am shaking governments around the world. I am shaking the government of this Nation. I am going to shake it, and I am going to show you the deep-rooted wickedness and evil. I am going to show you everything they have done. I am going to show you all they have accomplished. I am going to show you everyone who is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I told you I am going to take off the masks of all the actors that have been in places of power in your government. I am going to show you how Hollywood has been so closely connected to your government. Many people say that this is also impossible. No, it is not. 

My children, they have done things that are going to cause you to be in shock and awe. But, everything the enemy tries to accomplish, everything they do against you, and everything the enemy has planned and meant for evil, I am turning into something good. And yes, that is also possible with Me, and you will see great, great Glory, saith the Lord. 


