Date Word Received: December 2, 2021

For I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My body, My church, to arise with a new song in your hearts. Arise to receive your freedoms and justice that is coming to you. Justice is coming for any and for all damage that has been done to you, your families, your jobs, your finances and your nations. For I, the Lord, am telling My Army to arise now and put My Words in your mouth to overcome every obstacle, every plan and all assignments of the enemy to destroy you. Arise to this new Glory and Fire that I am pouring down to lift up My children to a new level to receive, to a new level to live, and to a new level of authority and power. See through the eyes of Christ, the eyes of your victory. It is already done, and it is already paid for so take it now.

Stop speaking negatively of the curse and destruction in your lives as this is where Satan wants to keep you. For I, the Lord, am moving and moving fast to free and to heal you of anything and everything that has been done to you and against you. This coming flood will overtake you with goodness. What you are seeing will be twofold - a ripping apart and the destruction of your enemies, and wiping them of any power and everything they have stolen from you.

And, yes, in one day, I can give all and restore everything owed to you. My children call it all in. Call in what has your name on it - retroactive restorations of thousands of years. So start calling in not just for the finances but for the businesses, the lands and the governments, no matter what it is. It's all yours, so take back what is yours. Don't be moved by religion and the small thinking that tells you this isn't possible, that no way can God change this economy in the world as we know it.

Says who? I Am The Great I Am. I made the world and all that is in it. And all that is in it is good. It was given to Jesus, and you are joint heirs in Christ. Know who you are this day. Know you are a child of the Most High God. With every attack in your body, mind, finances or whatever, there is the curse. Get it out of your life. You have that power. Stop waiting on me. I have been waiting on you to know who you are in Christ and the authority that comes along with it.

Remove all the sin in your life and get right before Me. There is no more time for judging, ridiculing, anger, resentment, bitterness, strife, offensiveness. GET RID OF IT ALL. These are the ways your adversary destroys you and keeps you locked in your prison cells of hopelessness, despair, depression and fear where he controls you and can torture you with these open doors. I will help you remove these things especially when people have used and abused you. I will deal with your enemy. Let me have these cares, and I will heal and restore the damage in your life and in your body. These are the days of housekeeping, cleansing, purifying, washing away, wiping out the old and giving you the new that I have for you.

These are the days of the new. Yes, new governments, new economies, new news stations, new schools, new churches full of Holy Ghost and Fire and Revival which will draw the masses to run to your doors. Stadiums will be filled with people desperate to know Jesus and receive miracles. Yes, these are the days you are coming into.

Darkness is for your enemies not for you. Destruction for them. Revival and restoration for you. Massive turnarounds are here. More people are now being exposed. CNN, come down to the ground as your structure and foundation are crumbling under your feet. Nothing can save you nor anyone that worked at that Network. I have said be removed and fall in the Fall. Your numbers will continue to crash. Bankrupt, you will hear and a shutting of these doors. These lights will be turned off and will never be turned back on for you. I am boarding up those doors never to allow you back in. CNN, you are the first but you are definitely not the last. I AM is coming for every network and every mouthpiece of hell that poured out deception and lies throughout My Earth. Judgment is here for you. You lied, deceived, killed and stole, and everything that has been done by any of you will all be undone by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

For I AM the Great I AM, and you have just entered into MY GREAT RESET OF THE NEW. IT IS NOW!
