Date Word Received: December 13, 2021

America the Beautiful. You'll be beautiful once again as I am moving across your land, cleansing your soil, cleansing your government, cleansing your state officials, cleansing your military, cleansing your FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, UN, cleansing big Pharma, cleansing education, cleansing your churches, cleansing your production companies, cleansing the news stations, cleansing businesses and cleansing your economy.

Wall Street, watch out. I am moving My hand against you, and I am wiping out your heinous acts and your manipulation of the markets and the economy. The puppet masters controlled you in order to control the money, where it went and who got the majority of it so that they could get richer as the world suffered. I am destroying your system, your economy and bringing in a new one that will give more to the world and not hoard it for just a few. I am destroying the BULL in front of your street. Yes, tearing any and all monuments, old and new, that were put up in this country to mock Me. My children, watch as the circuit boards and the computers crash. The manipulation of your money is about to take a great fall. Concerning the foreign nations that controlled your markets, I am destroying their powers even as I speak.

United Nations, I am coming for you, and you will not survive. I am stripping you of any power you had on this earth and removing your power and influence from this Earth. You will not dirty My soil anymore with your heinous crimes against My nation and the other nations of this world. I will take back every penny sifted to give to you to destroy My nation. Concerning all the money you took and used for your own dirty deals, I will show the world your check registry, and all will know where and who that money went to. United Nations, you will no longer exist in My nation, saith the Lord.

America, I am bringing you back to My gold standard. It was taken from you so they could manipulate and pull you down in every way so as to destroy this nation with immense debt which they thought you could never recover from. Yes, the puppet masters used debt to bring this nation to its knees. Little did they know, I am draining their accounts and the world's economies. I am giving it to its rightful owners, My children. I am even wiping out all the debt in this nation. Yes, I am wiping it out like it never was there. Don't be moved by the numbers and how large the debt is, My children. That is nothing to Me. I have more money on this earth than you know. I will show My children where there is more gold to mine. I hid away silver and jewels until this hour in order to hand it over to My children. Yes, I hid it from the evil ones who would have used it against you. Call it in, My children. This is all for you.

To the Clinton Foundation, your Foundation will be no more. I am stripping you of any influence and any money you had. My children, you will see both Hillary and Bill pay for the crimes they committed against Me and against you. They have not gotten away with anything. I just waited until this hour to judge them. They will be put on center stage, and all their crimes will be revealed and announced to the world. And yes, what they stole from Haiti will also be exposed, how they used the emergency money meant for the earthquake victims, and how it was actually used for their selfish financial gain.

Their daughter, Chelsea, is also in hot water as she was also part of what her parents did against this nation. She knew about 2016 and her mom's attempt to steal that election. She knew about the 2020 election. Yes, Chelsea will also pay for committing these crimes and for helping her parents. She was also financially compensated for her acts in helping her parents. All the Clintons will fall right before your very eyes.

Newsom, fall to the ground now. You let My state go. You will soon be enveloped in a massive scandal that you can't hide from. You will be removed from the governor's position. You will be tried for treason against this nation and for your part in stealing elections including the two in your state recently. You will pay dearly for your decision and for not repenting when you had the chance.

My children, brace for the impact that is coming. Just brace yourselves for all the truth that is coming out. These are the days of Truth, and the Avalanche of Truth has begun. My children, you are getting back your nations but more blessed and better than they ever were. Receive, My children. Receive the gifts I am raining down in this hour, saith the Lord of Hosts.


