Date Word Received: October 10, 2023

Watch video - published October 17, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day am about to show the world a new thing, something I have never done to this degree, something no man has ever seen, no, not like this. Yes, I am about to do a new thing for you, oh, United States- a justice so great, a shift so explosive, and a return so surprising. How it will all take place will make the world stand still, and a great celebration will take place. 

This is the time that the warnings will cease because you are in the time I have warned you of. This is the time of a great war, or so it will look like to some. This is a time of confusion and a time of chaos in certain places. But it is also a time of great awakening. This is a time when some people will run toward Me, while some will run away. Great removals are about to be seen- a removal of people, yes, but also a removal of blinders, a removal of chains, a removal of bondages, a removal of their (the enemies') narratives, a removal of their control, a removal of their governments, a removal of their rules, a removal of their lies and deception, a removal of their news, a removal of their education system, a removal of their influence, and a removal of their churches, their religion, and the weakness that they have brought to My body. 

I am doing a cleansing, a clean sweep of every evil entity that has been ruling over this Earth. It is My plan, My nations, and My children that will succeed and thrive, not your enemies, saith the Lord. 

Windmiller: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A very old secret, one hidden by your government, oh, United States, is coming out- a secret about who sold you out and who is controlling you now. Great truth is coming to destroy the corporation that holds you and has caused great captivity in the land of My eagle. This will be no more because I am setting you free from their captivity. 

Counter terrorism: this phrase will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

"The Biden" is about to let something slip that will shock this Nation. Start paying more attention to his words before they try to hide what he says. What he says will utterly destroy the so-called administration. 

Changing of the guard: this phrase will be in your news, but not for what you would think. 

The London Bridge: watch it. Something is about to take place there. 

The fall of Iran is about to be seen. Explosive exposure is about to be released on "the Biden" and Obama and how they are deeply rooted and embedded with this country. Follow the money trail. See how your money, oh, United States, has been used against you and in many nations. 

A war has been started as a great distraction because of what is about to come out against “the Biden” and all who are with him. 

Great surprises are ahead. Yes, great surprises about how great the fall will be for many in your government. 

Watch the House of Representatives. Things are not how they seem, and I am about to unravel all that has been decided and all that has been done against this Nation. 

Sing. Oh, My children, sing. Celebrations are drawing near. I am moving. I am defending. And I am fully delivering you from the hands of the wicked, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


