Date Word Received: December 9, 2021

SHOUT! LET FREEDOM RING once again. For I, the Lord, am today knocking your enemies down from their places of power. Many have already been removed, but the news has not announced it yet. Some have already fallen on their face like Facebook. I am moving against all those businesses that are against you. Amazon’s network going down wasn’t caused by them. No, it was another sign of darkness in your enemies’ camps. Yes, you will see and hear more about outages as the days grow closer to your Exodus. I am tearing down their walls, their gates, their plans and all they thought they were safe behind. The firewalls on their servers and laptops were used to protect their businesses and their secrets. They thought they could hide in plain sight.

Those firewalls have been breached by Me, and I am pouring out all this information that was hidden from you, used to enslave you with their mandates, lockdowns, and planned shortages. Truth is coming like a freight train barreling down the tracks. Yes, the momentum has been picking up speed with no way to stop it nor slow it down. For I, the Lord, am in control of every system on this Earth.

With one move of my finger, they will all fall but not just in the fall. Watch! The next few months will bring great celebrations. This new year of 2022 is bringing the great reset of the New: new economies, new governments, new jobs, new churches, new businesses, new authority and Fresh Fire and Glory. So hold on because your receiving ride has already begun. For I, the Lord, am moving now to deliver those who are still refusing to believe. Get right before Me.

The choice needs to be made concerning which side each of us is on, who we believe. The clock is running out to receive all that I am giving. With what I am about to pour out, some will get 30, 60 or even a hundredfold. Not everyone will receive the same portion. It will depend on what you believe, who you believe. I want all My children to receive all that has their name on it, their entire inheritance package. In My Word, not everyone saw the Promised Land, and that is happening again. I have waited for My children to awaken and get right before Me. My grace and love for you is why I have waited this long. So many of My children have asked Me ‘why Lord? Why are you taking so long?’ (1) I do not go by man’s timing, and (2) I was waiting for you to arise in your authority.

This is a time of a great falling away and separation in the Body of Christ. During this time, My Remnant will come out, rise higher, brighter and become who I need them to be in this hour so the world will know who My body is, the ones who are true to My Word. Nothing this Earth threw at them has stopped them. They pursued. Standing through it all, they fought until I, the Lord stepped in. They have the determination and fight in them like that of Paul. Jesus’ resurrection power is rising in you now bringing you up above all which has kept you down. No more holding your heads down. No more enslavement in fear.

Come up higher, My children. Now is your time to come up higher than the evil ones ever thought they could be with a power none of them could ever have. Freedom! Say it: ‘my freedom is here and now. No more waiting’. Say every day: ‘let freedom ring in my life and my nation. We will not be defeated, and we will not quit’. These are your marching orders today, My children, as I bring all your enemies down.

Explosions will be seen and heard in the coming days because My Angel Armies and your military have been at work to save and deliver you from this tyranny, the Pharaohs of this day. The day of the judgment and death to the ones against you is drawing closer. It is far greater in number than you ever thought it could be. I will move against DC, against the elites, against the globalist, against the businesses and against the foreign nations involved in your destruction. THEIR DESTRUCTION will be great.


Transfers, removals, turnarounds, miracles, healings and signs and wonders will rain down from heaven and bring you into your Promised Land. I will give you a new life where there is no lack of any kind. This is your future, your future is new and it is here to stay, saith the Lord.


Children of Almighty God, get up. Get up from where you are and remove those blinders off of your eyes. Get up and soften your hearts right now, in the Name of Jesus. Where there was despair, I will bring joy. Where there was defeat, I will bring victory. Where there was stealing, debt and poverty, I will bring you blessings and overflow.

I am not done with the United States. I am not done with My Remnant. For what you will see in these next few days and the next few months, you watch out. You brace for My impact because I am about to do a two-fold. I am about to brace so your adversaries will know who I am. I will put My hand against them and judge them.

And on the same side, I will bring blessings to My body and My church. I am pouring out My Spirit, and I am going to restore to all who deserve all the inheritance that was My children's. It has your names on it, so in the next few weeks and the next few months, start claiming and decreeing your inheritance package from your Father. You are part of the greatest family that ever existed on the face of this Earth. You have no idea how much wealth is on this earth. There is gold where you didn't even know there was gold. There is silver that people haven't even found yet. There are diamonds, and there are jewels that I will lead my children to.

For in these days, you will see magnificence. You will see splendor and Glory raining upon you. For you are My body, and you are My church, and I have handpicked you for such a time as this. So rise up. Get up because your days of freedom are here. Your days of restoration, your days of overflow, your days of wholeness and soundness are here today. So take it and receive it, my children. I am pouring out My love in these days like never before, says the Lord.


