Date Word Received: July 19, 2023

Watch video - published July 31, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day say that the winds of change are blowing. They are blowing fiercely now. A fierce wind is blowing in the spiritual realm. It is blowing, and it is knocking out your enemies. It is knocking them down. It is destroying their power. It is destroying every lie. It is destroying them and everything they have against you. Yes, this wind. I am in this wind because it is My Glory. It is My Power. It is My Power that is flowing. It is flowing. It is flowing, and it is blowing. 

My children, I have said time and time again that this is not the time to back down. This is not the time to give up. This is the time to be bold in My Glory, bold in My Name, and bold in the Blood Covenant I have made with you. If you don't know the Blood Covenant, get to know it. These are the days you will need to know your Blood Covenant. 

Things are changing quickly now. It looks like things are going from bad to worse. These are the days I have warned you about. But these are the days to shout. Even though it looks bad, destructive, grim, and even dire and depressing for some, remember what I have said. On one side, it will look one way, but on the other side (My side), with My church and My body, it will look another way. 

I have asked you time and time again, My children- whose report do you believe? Do you believe the enemies' report, or do you believe Mine? Do you believe what you see, or do you walk by faith? Whose report do you believe? A decision has to be made. Decisions have to be made about what side of the aisle you are on. You can't have one foot in and one foot out. I have warned you about this. But again, I say, My mercy and My grace are sufficient for you. 

The winds of change are blowing. I have talked to you about perfect storms and the damage that wind can do with the force behind them. It can cause total destruction. Wind can level cities. It can bring water out of its banks. You have seen these things. You have seen how destructive wind can be. And that's a natural wind. Just think of My wind and how destructive it is against your enemies. That perfect storm is upon them, a perfect storm. You think of hurricanes, thunderstorms, and derechos, things that bring much destruction. All of them are coming at one time from every direction. 

It will be one thing after another, one exposure after another. Like I have told you before, truth is pouring out like a flood, an avalanche, a volcano. Again, these natural things can destroy and annihilate what they run into. My children, your enemies are running into Me, running into Me because I am blocking them from you. I am blocking them from furthering their plans. I am in the way. I am blocking their way to their victory, and I am leading you into yours through Me because I am the waymaker. 

I have told you I made this day, so rejoice and be glad in it. Rejoice in these days now more than ever before, says the Lord. “I can't rejoice. There's too much darkness. There's too much sadness. There's too much sickness. There's too much death”. You rejoice in spite of all those things, and you show your enemy that you're not afraid. You show your enemy that you receive My power and My love. You show your enemy that you know I am on the inside of you, that I am greater than he is, and that I am greater than anything he tries. 

Get excited today that you are Mine. Get excited today! I love you. Get excited today that I have a plan for you. Get excited today! I will show you, My goodness. I will show you, My grace. I will show you, My goodness. I will show you, My goodness! I say it over and over and over again. My goodness! Absolute goodness! I am wanting to pour out on each and every one of you a goodness you have never known, a love that you have never known. Get to know Me in these days. Get to know Who you are with; (you are with) Me. 

Again, jump and shout. Dance about because I am about to show off - show (the enemy) out and remove all these things that were hindering you. This world will be filled with My love. You will see. You will see My soon coming Glory, saith the Lord. 


