Date Word Received: December 21, 2021

I, the Lord, proclaim life this day for My children, to their lives, to their bank accounts, to their lands and to their governments. You may ask ‘Lord, why are You speaking and calling life into our bank accounts, our governments and our lands’? Because, My children, your enemies had death planned for you and for everything you knew to be normal in your life: death to freedoms, death to churches, death to your countries, death to your economies, death to your family, death to your faith in Me and death to your bodies. They wanted death to fill this Earth through their man-made plans and designs, to utterly kill anything good that was left so as to force you to bow to their every plan and their every command. They wanted you to completely bow and give in to them like Nebuchadnezzar wanted My three Hebrew men to do. Don't, My children. Stand like they did and watch the Fourth Man show up, show off for you and totally deliver any hold on you that your adversary once had. Yes, destruction and death will come to your enemies but not to My children or My world which they wanted to control and to dominate. Ha! They thought they could overthrow Me and take from you the world I created. That is never going to happen, saith the Lord.

Biden, fall, for your fall, will be seen throughout this Earth. Your failure will be seen, your name will be revealed and the person who is betraying you will also fall to the ground. Yes, he is free-falling even as I speak. My children, watch this week as Biden speaks. Watch what he reveals in the news. Your days are coming to a close now Biden. You can feel it even though you are heavily drugged. You know they have betrayed you and want you dead now. They want you out because you are no longer relevant to their plans. They are moving on without you. The arrogance. They think they can put whomever they want in to replace you. No! They can’t! Kamala, you also have a target on your back, and you are definitely not Biden’s replacement.

Even now Obama is more power-hungry than ever before and insists it is his show, his power and his way. The puppet masters created this evil one who is now out of control thinking the world is his to control. Well, Obama, I am knocking you out of the chair you have been in while controlling My America, My world, the world markets and manipulating everything you could in order to get more under your submission. Obama, I AM is coming for you and your shadow government. I will rip away everything and I mean everything from you. You have been warned by both Me and your puppet masters. Your puppet masters are losing control over you, so watch your back because it has a target on it, and even you aren't safe right now.

It's My show, My time, My world, My children, My economy, and no man under the power of the devil nor any man, in general, can take these away nor change My plans that will go forth throughout this Earth as planned and on time. I have all the dirt on you and your whole entire team. Puppet masters, your strings have been cut, and I am pulling you down from the high places you have been and removing all of you now.

Watch the Royal Family as they want her out of the way. Who you might ask? The queen. Prince Charles wants that power now and does not want to wait. The elites and the puppet masters are telling him to get rid of her because their plans are falling apart, and it's time for Plan B. Charles, you are running out of options. You know they have dirt on you, and they are about to pull your plug. You are losing your grip on the power you have desired your whole life. Your desperation is growing to keep the truth from being revealed to the world concerning what you have done to control England, your country. For what you have done behind the Queen's back, you know she would take your mantle from you. It would be given to William, your son. You would never have the crown, so you are willing to kill for it. Watch out, Charles, as I rip you from where you sit. You will not get that crown, no, not ever. Because I, the Lord, am taking your freedoms and your power away for the damage you have done globally, for your part in trying to destroy My America and because of what you have done to help the great reset. Everything you hold dear will be taken from you. Judgment is about to strike you down to the ground, and you will not get up from what is coming to you.

My children, shrug off that disappointment, that discouragement, that once plagued you. Put on the Garment of Praise and get rid of that spirit of heaviness that cannot control you any longer. Receive My Glory today. Receive the Fire I am bringing down to restore everything for you this day. Receive My joy and My peace. Receive the new year I have for you. Hang on, it is about to get very interesting. Keep your eyes focused on Me. I am everything you need, no matter what you see. I am in control, and your season of change will bring a great change in your life, one you have never before known.

These are your days, My children, My church. Yes, it is your time and your Earth. I have given it to you to enjoy but without those pharaohs in your way working to steal it from you. No! Not today satan. Never will your plans go forth as you wanted against My children. Receive these Words, My children. Your year of 2022 will be great. So start to celebrate! Grab your cake! It is your time now, saith the Lord of Hosts.


