Date Word Received: March 30, 2022

For I, the Lord, this day, have spoken words of truth to My body in these hours of confusion, fear, and darkness to set you free from its hold on you and this world. I, the Lord, have been telling you to look for these things to keep your confidence in Me in this hour. Not a man or a woman but Me, saith the Lord your Redeemer. I have said before these days would be harsh for some, but for the ones in My body believing and standing on My Words, you will not be affected by what your enemies are trying to do because peace and joy are being poured out on you and upon this earth.

Concerning your enemies, children of Almighty God, what they are doing will not matter soon. I will destroy all the effects of their destruction like it was never there. Some of My children are continuing to say, Lord, this is just too good to be true, or it's too hard to believe.

My children, this has happened before, many times in My Word. Look in My written Word, look in the book of Exodus, read about David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion's Den, the walls of Jericho, Shadrach Meshach, and Abendego in the fiery furnace. Also, look in the New Testament at all the miracles your Lord and Savior had done and how He destroyed all the works and all the power of the enemy.

My written Word also states you will do greater works because I, the Lord, go to My Father. Listen to these words very carefully. Your enemies are nothing, they have nothing, and they can't stand against Me or My body and win. Lord, you have spoken these words before, haven't you? Yes, I have, My children, so get it down on the inside of you so it becomes a revelation to you that your enemies can't steal away.

Listen for this in your news: a sting operation will be in your headlines. Exposures are being made, and yes, they will be reported on. Listen to what the sting operation was for and know not one will be left unpunished. My judgment is sweeping through the enemy's camps to take them down. I am moving My hand right now to stop what is going on behind the scenes. This is the year of exposure and judgment like never before. Children of Almighty God, listen to who is involved in these crimes and know it goes even deeper than that.

Mad cow disease will be in the headlines affecting other nations. Look at where it was found and know nothing is how it seems. Truth is coming and destroying all their plans, and your enemies want to distract the world from every truth that is coming out that will destroy them all. No, distractions will not work anymore. Most of this world will be focused on the truth, and more will be set free from all the lies and the tyranny.

Hindenburg: this word will be in the news. Remember, this name was linked to a major disaster, and know, My children, this name will be linked to another one. But this time, disasters are hitting your enemies, not you, children of Almighty God.

Paris will be in your news. A discovery will be found there, a sex-trafficking ring so large it will shock the world. This will destroy the other ones that were hidden. Your enemies are about to scatter in all directions. They know everything is falling apart. They can't figure out why because they didn't count on Me, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

I know all and see all, and they can't hide anything from Me. I know the end from the beginning, and their end will be great. Shout, My children, for your enemies' defeat. Declare that all lies are being revealed. Stop talking about what they are doing and start talking and declaring their defeat.

They are failing right now. Yes, they are, whether you believe it or even understand it. It doesn't change the fact they will all fall like lightning from the sky. My children, it will be hard for some to believe when judgment and justice fully hit the enemies of Almighty God. How fast they will all fall.

Hezbollah will be in your news. Listen for the reason and know I am taking them all out. This is the year of their total demise; no matter what nation your enemies are from, they will not succeed in anything they do in this year of 2022.

Gold will be in your news. Listen to what they are saying. They are giving themselves away as they manipulate the markets. An economic crash? A major disaster they want, but, My children, these are the days of Haman. It will destroy them and not you. Do not fear this. I am your provider, and all of your property will be protected.

Oil and gas prices they are purposely making them skyrocket, but, My children, it will not stay this way. Look at what My hand does to move them out of the way.

Shortages they are saying regarding your food supply. There are no shortages. I am the Most High God, and I have said this before. There is plenty. They are hiding and manipulating these shortages, and a whistleblower along with a cargo ship will expose this. My children, this is a tactic of war to bring you into submission of ultimate fear, but I am destroying this war against you and exposing it all, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A submarine will be in your headlines. Listen to who it belongs to. Yes, there is more to this than they want to say. Who are they? Your news stations and the ones that control them. The puppet masters are exploring all options now.

They are desperate to start something or cause something bigger. They are screaming and shouting, "He is coming. Who is coming? Trump! He is coming after all of us. His God is bigger than we thought. How do we stop him.? We can't. We have tried everything, but it's not working. This God who is with Trump and this army that is with them, they are unstoppable. They can strike us at any moment. We will have to sleep with one eye open and always be watching. He could come back and take power any day now. Trump has so much on all of us." "How did he get it," they're asking?

The answer is Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. You can't stop Me from hearing and seeing what you are doing, enemies of Almighty God. No matter how bad you want to stop Me, I knew your plans before this world was formed, what you were going to do, and when. So, no, you can't stop the Great I AM. I AM is coming for all of you, and so is My army, saith the Lord of Hosts.

"This is it." They are screaming in Terror. Your enemies no longer have peace or confidence that they can win now. So they are planning an escape but little do they know there is nowhere they can run or hide from Me, saith the Lord. My children, your enemies are finished with their next moves forward. They will know without a shadow of a doubt they are finished, and they can't win. Your enemies will try all they have left to destroy you before they lose, but that won't work either because I am protecting you from their destruction. All is well with you, My children. Just watch and see how fast they fall and how they fall. It only could have been done by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Celebrate now, My children. Now Lord? Yes, now and know that I always win, and I always have the final say. It will destroy any fear that holds you captive, and this revelation will give you peace, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


