Date Word Received: February 26, 2022

For I, the Lord, this day, have told you, My children, to be watching for the signs that I am giving you in this hour to build up your faith and confidence in Me and in My prophets. My prophets which I have put on this earth for this hour to give you My Words that I need spoken. My Words which you need to hear right now regarding things you are facing in this world. You are living in a time where things are going to abruptly change.

I am putting a major halt to all of your enemies' plans along with destroying all who are against you. Major scandals are about to come out, like rapid-fire, one after another, and not one person will get away with anything they have done. I know that up until now, certain people, no matter what was leaked about them, received no punishment or so it appeared. Well, they are about to receive a punishment they never thought they would. They thought they were too smart. They had the entire media outlets on their side as well as money and power. None of that means anything though when they are against Me.

Isolation tents? You will hear this in the news. This will be a sign concerning your enemy's plans and the camps they were planning on putting you in, but all be exposed and destroyed.

You will hear of a major dust storm in Africa and of a major wind storm across Asia both causing damage and wreaking havoc. Typhoons and other major weather events are about to break out all over the place stopping your enemies from invading you, United States, and Israel.

You will hear and see hail the size never heard nor before seen. Softball? No bigger. Listen to these words and watch for these signs. I am moving My hand, destroying their weapons, destroying their convoys against you, and stopping their plans to take you out, once and for all, United States.

But know this, I am God! Concerning the things they are about to try and do to you: DO NOT FEAR. THIS WILL NOT LAST, AND IT WILL NOT STAND. I AM YOUR DELIVERER, AND THEY CAN NOT GET PAST ME!

There will be the death of yet another government official. Yes, watch for this. The Angel of Death is hitting their camps now. These are the days of Judgment. So many will become silenced in the night. They will not wake up from their sleep. They will be found in their beds dead.

Another one will be found dead by an apparent suicide. That is not true! My children, their life was taken by another to silence them from telling the truth.

Ilhan Omar, death is coming to you with no way to stop it because of your acts against Me and for your acts against both of My Nations: Israel and the United States of America. You will be killed for your failure. They see you as a failure, and they will dispose of you before you turn on them.

There will be a time of great silence in D.C. Yes, eerily silent, some will say. Their mouths will be shut by Me.

New stations after new stations are about to crumble. The ratings are plummeting in this hour with no way to prop them up. I am shutting the mouth of the destroyer who uses them as his mouthpieces. They will become silent during the transition of power. It is coming, My children, a time of silence; a time of darkness that will appear across the airwaves. So many will wonder what is going on? “God, why is this happening?” It is not bad silence for you, My children. I am shielding you from sights and sounds you do not want to hear. During this time, your Capital will be demolished by Me leaving nothing left standing that was not of Me.

Watch the Abraham Lincoln monument. It will be untouched. It will be protected by Me because Abraham Lincoln was My son and was chosen at that time to save this country, and he will be honored for that still.

I am raining hail down on your Capital. Watch for this is a sign of their demise.

Watch for another massive storm to head to the East Coast. There will be one and then another one right after that. To My children there, brace for this, but know this is not for you. They are planning a major attack on your nation. They were using the Atlantic Ocean to hide them so they could show up and attack you out of nowhere. I will show you their submarines. Yes, submarines will be in your news. They infiltrated your waters and your land. So do not fear these weather events. Know that I am destroying them while protecting you from their destruction.

My Children, March will be a great month, you will say. It will start out harsh, but it will end like a lamb. Then many will finally see that I am in control.

Freedom convoys and Freedom protests will grow, My children. Yes, they will grow in your nation and in Nations all over the world. You will see an upscale of military planes and helicopters in the skies above your nation. This is another sign that I am in control and that My hand is moving against your enemies.

Jerry Nadler, your life is coming to an end. You will fall never to get back up again for defying Me and choosing to sell your soul for money and power.

Brad Pitt will be in your news. Watch for this, My children. This will be a sign of the destruction of Hollywood and what it stands for.

Alec Baldwin, you thought you were in the clear, but you are not. You will be caught not only for the death on your movie set but also for the lifestyle you hid from the world. Your computer has secrets on it that you tried to destroy, but My people already have all the information they need to take you down. You were connected to Epstein and the trafficking of children. Your lifestyle is disgusting and evil, and you will be exposed for who you have always been. You were given time to repent. Your brother has been praying for you. You refused Me and refused to repent. Now, Judgment will hit you in ways you never imagined. You will lose everything you hold dear to you. Alex, your time has come to be Judged by Me, saith the Lord.

Another assassination attempt on the rightful president was just stopped by Me. No one will touch the one I have put on this Earth to complete the great Exodus and to usher in the freedom that belongs to this nation and to the world.

Donald Trump, you are protected by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts. That includes your family and all who are with you. Nothing will come of their plans against you. I am giving you peace and rest. I will take care of your family in this hour. You know what needs to be done, but your family won't be able to be with you through it. But I am The Great I AM, and I will shield them, protect them and give them peace and joy knowing you will be okay as well as this nation.

Donald, great is your reward. I will give back everything that has been taken from you, and I will give you more than you could ask Me for. Every lawsuit will be dropped. Every person standing against you will fall by My hand, saith the Lord of Hosts. I held you back in this hour to hide, comfort, and strengthen you. You have listened and obeyed Me, My son. So, Donald, I am giving you back all that has been stolen and more.

All that needed to be removed and all those who infiltrated your camp have been exposed, so now you can move forward in this hour. The dominoes are falling everywhere in front of you, so walk through to your place of power again. Give Me the care of the people of this nation. My Angel Armies are all over protecting them. Do not worry about them. Nothing your enemies can do will prosper against you or this nation. Peace I will give to you in this hour like never before. Donald, know you are special to Me, and thank you for your obedience and for trusting in Me through it all. Donald, how special you are in My sight. I love you My son, so go and take what is rightfully yours in this hour, and all will be okay with you, your family, and this nation.

My children, all will be okay in the house of the Lord in this hour. This is the hour of a great transition of power so hold on to Me and My word, and you will find peace and rest. I am your comforter so, in this time, don't turn aside to any other. I love you, My children. I gave you My Only Begotten Son so you could live with Me for all eternity. Yes, and also so you could live like heaven here on Earth. My children, this is possible. I have spoken this in My written Word for a reason. These are your days of freedom and celebration so stand now. Stand up and take back what the Lord has done for you.

I am washed by the Blood.
I am covered by the Blood.
I am saved by the Blood.
I am healed by the Blood.
You, devil, can not defeat the Blood.


