Date Word Received: April 15, 2024 (First Prophecy)

Watch video - published April 15, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling you, My children, to watch your enemies struggle. Watch their desperation grow. Watch their destruction. Watch how prideful and arrogant they will appear in their actions to destroy your food supply, freedoms, economy, and peace in this world and your nations. 

Watch as they try to bring terrorist attacks to cause much fear to your nations. Watch as they try to start wars all over the world. But they will come to nothing. 

It looks like they made plans against My Israel, but remember what I told you. I have dragged them by their mouths down to My Nation. It was a trap to destroy Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and ISIS. 

They have tried to raise up silent terrorist cells in this Nation, but these cells will not be able to do the damage against you that was originally planned. I have allowed certain things, My children, to prove to the world that the Washington establishment has been playing both sides. They were "helping" Israel but funding Iran at the same time. They paid Iran to attack your Nation. 

Your enemies are in your own land. They want to bring war to stop this election and cripple the Nation. They will stop at nothing. They will signal to the foreign lands that it is time to attack, time to awaken the cells already here to attack internally. What you have seen so far has been slow, but now they will try to put their plans into hyperdrive because there have already been other attempts to steal another election and this nation, but they haven't worked like before. So, hold on as the economy crashes, as viruses break out, as shootings occur more and more at large events, and as chaos erupts in the streets. Uncertainty will also grow in the hearts of many. But I tell you, My children, your enemies will never succeed in what they've planned against you.   

A shock will come from Mexico. Explosive proof is coming to show you how Mexico is being paid to allow these terrorists through their nation for access into your country. Your government has guaranteed Mexico that those terrorists would not target them or stay in their land but would come to the United States. 

Many secrets at your southern border are about to be exposed in a major way. 

The FBI, the CIA, and the establishment are all a part of helping the invasion of your country to stop My David and destroy America from within

My children, war has started in your land at the hands of the ones who supposedly run your Nation. But I will expose all treason, all plots, and all attempts to take down this country. 

I have infiltrators in your FBI, the CIA, the White House, Congress, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and all around the border. There is nowhere I cannot see, and there is no place your enemies are safe from Me. 

My United States: Hezbollah is in your Nation. Hamas is in your Nation. ISIS is in your Nation. Terrorists from China are in your Nation. 

Many enemies are already here (waiting) to bring destruction, but My traps have been set, and they will never get war or chaos to the degree they want. They will never be able to murder the number of people they want to murder or sabotage all those they want to sabotage. They will not get the economic collapse they want nor the number of deaths from viruses that they want. They will not get control of the world as they want or the degree of fear in people that they want because I am here. I am in the way, and I am here to stay, saith the Lord. 

Obama: your days of destroying My Nation or even having it under your chokehold are numbered. I will soon show the world how you brought your buddies here to destroy this country and how the puppet in the White House has been controlled, blackmailed, and manipulated by you. Your puppet will not be your puppet much longer. The strings have been cut, and things will continue to backfire on you. Your puppet will take a fall that he will not recover from, and you will not be able to replace him with another

Obama: your demonic control over this Nation, its capital, and its people is finished. Your days are short just as they were for Pharaoh when he controlled My people in Egypt. When people on your side are caught in their acts of attacks, they will sing like canaries. They will tell who paid them and about the plot to bring down this Nation. I have My people all around this Nation that you did not see, nor did you know they were with Me (working) to stop you. 

Obama: this is not your country. It is not under your control. You do not have power over it, and you do not have control over My people. I will show you that I am the Most High God. Obama, your reign over this Nation is through, and so is everyone with you. I will show you that I am the One Who is in control. I will show you that this is My Nation and not yours, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

To those on My side, it may look like they have no chance to recover or win, but I am about to show this Nation just how big I really am. To My children who are fighting this fight and seeing the darkness, the evil, and the corruption firsthand, things may appear overwhelming and impossible to overcome, and it is without Me. But I am on your side, and you will not lose. This Nation will not fall. I have put you in places and positions to help take back this Nation. So go forward. Keep fighting. Keep pushing through because I have you, and I do not lose, saith the Lord of Hosts.    

Whiplash: this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Another train derailment is about to take place. I will show you that this was no accident, and I will show you who did it and why. Things are heating up, but so is the uncovering of all their plans

Proof is coming, explosive proof concerning your airplanes and how they have been sabotaged to cause death and chaos in your skies so that no one flies. They are trying to stop you from traveling and moving around. They want you to have less freedom while living more in fear. Listen to the FAA as they say it is not safe to be in the air. Watch them say terrorism. Listen to this and know that this is their plan to keep you where you are

To My United States: something is about to happen in the skies above you that is meant to destroy you. I will allow you to see this, but I will not allow them to have what they want. So do not look up in fear at what you are about to see. Look up to Me, and I will give you peace. 

Unusual weather is about to increase in this Nation and around the world. It is being manipulated to cause more chaos and damage. More whistleblowers are coming to show you what your governments have done against you, but they will not get away with it

My children, it is all coming to an explosive place. But remember, you have Me, and I am all you need. You will come through all this with My Glory, My protection, and My direction. You will have glorious and unprecedented victories. Things that you never thought could take place will. 

Things that you have never seen before will be seen. It is all about to come to an end. So, rejoice. The Great I AM is here, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


