Date Word Received: January 31, 2024

Watch video - published February 9, 2024

I, the Lord, am telling you this day that truth is filling this Earth like a flood, a volcano, an avalanche. I have told you that their walls are crumbling, and their dam of lies is breaking. I told you about the force of this year, this year 2024.

I am going to reveal and expose. I am going to show the proof. I am going to show the truth. I am going to show (expose) every building in your capital and every dirty deal. I am going to show you every wolf, snake, and rat. I am going to show you all the money- the blood money, the bribe money. Oh, the bribes. There has been one bribe after another. They have done one thing after another to shut the mouths of people around them because they were going to spill the beans and tell the truth. 

But I will tell you that a boldness is coming upon My people in the capital. I am bringing that boldness to them, to the ones I sent there- people that you had no idea were on the side of truth, the side of life, the side of America because they have been deep fakes, plants. I put them in different positions to infiltrate (the other side). 

I put people in positions you had no idea were on the side of life. I will also show you the people who look like they are on the side of life but are actually on the side of death and destruction. I told you that I am rooting out the Deep State. I am pulling every one of their roots out of the ground, the deep ground where they tried to bury and grow those roots.

They have tried to destroy this Nation. But I tell you that they will not destroy a nation I have already blessed. My children, do you hear what I just said? They cannot destroy a nation I have blessed, and I have blessed this Nation. You have not seen some of the fruit of that blessing recently because of all the corruption and the evil and because you kicked Me out of many things. 

But now, My people are humbling themselves and praying. They are praying. And I said, if you humble yourselves and pray, I will heal your land. It may look like (there is) brokenness, death, destruction, chaos, and great division. But I am the great uniter. I unite. I unite My children in My Name. I give you power and authority, and I will tell you what to do. I have given you marching orders. 

There is a great shaking coming to this capital. I said there is a great shaking, a great earthquake, coming to this Nation and this capital. When you think of earthquakes, you think of natural ones. Well, I will show you how I am going to shake this capital, how I am going to shake you loose from these people- from their power, their lies, and their oppression. And I will show you justice like you have never before seen. 

You say, "Lord, You have said similar things before.” Yes, I have, but have you gotten them down into your heart? Are you believing Me? Are you celebrating? Are you filled with joyful glee because of what I am about to do for thee? Or, do you see what they are doing and getting frustrated, overwhelmed, and filled with burden? Oh, the burden on some people, the burden in your hearts because of what you see instead of believing Me. 

I repeat certain things, My children, so you understand I am in control. You are going to see something happen in the natural to this nation, in the capital specifically. You are going to see something shake. But you are also going to see something spiritually. Your enemies are going to scatter, run, and flee in multiple directions because of Me. I said I am cleaning out the House, the Senate, that White House, and the Supreme Court, and that is exactly what I am going to do. I am true to My Word. 

Not only is great exposure coming for the Democratic Party, but a great divide and great death are also coming. And not just physical death, but death to their plans, their chokehold, and everything else they were doing against you because I am tearing it apart. 

I have heard the cries of My people. They have spoken My Words, and I am faithful to perform them. I am telling you, My children, this is the hour I am going to expose your enemies. I will expose everyone on the right and everyone on the red side. I am going to expose all those in masks and the ones behind these bribes, dirty deals, and the blackmail of so many people in the government. There has been bribe upon bribe, blackmail upon blackmail. 

I am going to reveal to you all those who have been silenced, all the people they killed for their propaganda, and all the others they killed. It is going to shock you how many deaths occurred because of your government- deaths in the military, the government, and everyday citizens. And I will also expose Hollywood. Oh yes, I am going to expose it all. 

So, get ready and be prepared for the mighty shaking I am doing in this capital. Get ready and be prepared for the mighty shaking I am doing in this Nation to free you for your jubilee, these celebrations, and the life I have for you. Free. Free. Free. I am shaking you free. 

So, get with Me now. Get with Me and start to celebrate with Me. Start to rejoice in what I am doing. Start to rejoice that I am the Great I AM. Start to rejoice, and you will see and feel the shackles come off quickly. You will feel your chains break. You will feel the oppression leave. And the depression, darkness, and heaviness will also be destroyed on your behalf. 

So, rejoice this day. Rejoice in My way, and with Me, saith the Lord. 


