Date Word Received: October 17, 2022

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For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children there is no one like Me. There is no one who can defeat Me or alter My Will or My plans upon this Earth for My children. Man has tried multiple times, but has failed every time. Your enemy has tried to overthrow Me in heaven and on Earth, along with trying to deceive mankind into turning on Me and kicking Me out of this Earth. My children, your enemy is defeated. All whom he uses are defeated, so why would you believe these people could defeat Me? Why would you believe I would not stop them, overthrow them, or dispose of them and all their evil plans this time? Of course, I would. Satan will never have full control of this Earth. It is not his. It's yours.

My children, shout this out loud over and over again: My enemy is defeated. The One World Government is coming down. Their power is destroyed. Truth reigns and is tearing them and all of their plans apart. We win. They lose. Our countries are free from demonic control. We are free to freely serve God. These are our days for our freedoms, so we take them now in Jesus' name. We demand the thief to give back all that he has stolen. We thank you, God, that we have everything back that had been stolen from us.

My children, say this and pray it until it gets down in your heart, until you want to shout it and you don't have to be told to do it. You will want to shout and rejoice because you know these words are true, and the great I AM is a sure thing, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

A national monument will be in your news for a surprising reason.

A building will collapse, and it will be in your news. This will get the world's attention. Remember, just like the walls of Jericho, your enemies' walls and buildings are all coming down, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Again, I say, your enemies will scream and shout war, viruses, inflation, recession, and even depression. In the coming weeks and months, your enemies will make things look darker and more impossible. Watch all they try to do after the midterms to stay in power. They will not leave quietly. They will not accept defeat. They see the red, and the red terrifies them. There will be too many coming into power after winning. They know they can't turn them. They can't blackmail them, break them, or bribe them. They realize that their rule is over, and that will soon become a reality. As they try to do these things, remember these words- they lose. They will fail. They are finished. The enemies you are up against are not up against just you, My children. They are up against Me, and I never lose, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another big lie is about to come out regarding Russia. Do not believe these moves are true. There is much more going on in this situation that you do not see. My children, decree that all truth will be revealed, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Poseidon: this name will be in your news for a significant reason.

Macedonia: this name will also be in your news for a significant reason.

Argentina will be in your news. Something significant is about to take place there.

Venezuela and Greece: these countries will also be in your news for a significant reason.

Governments are taking major hits all over this world, and all who are against Me will fall, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Whistleblowers are about to come out with the truth regarding China, this fraudulent government of the United States, all those paid in political positions, all those in corporate positions, all those in the sports industry, and those in Hollywood. Oh yes, no more secrets. It's all coming out. All traitors to this Nation will be exposed and judged by Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.

People are about to scream election fraud, and the proof will overwhelm your enemies. Every person will be caught, and no one will be safe. It's time to pull back the curtains on all the thieves and catch them in the act.

Watch and see what I'm about to do regarding your Nation, oh United States. Watch how I fix your elections, clean out your government, and get rid of all the thieves, traitors, and snakes, saith the Lord.

My children, the Capitol Building is about to be in your news big time. Explosive evidence is about to come out that will unseat many in this so-called administration and governmental positions. It's time to clean out the house, and while I'm doing that, it is time to clean out your Senate and your White House. I am removing all the filth, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Barricade: this word will be in your news for an unusual reason.

"Under Siege": this phrase will be in your news for a significant reason.

An overthrow of a government is about to be witnessed by the whole world, saith the Lord.

Something significant is about to take place in the Caspian Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the China Sea.

The waters are moving. Movements are being made. Plans are being stopped. Territory is being taken back. The waters all over are about to give up things that have been hidden underneath.

An earthquake in the ocean is about to get the world's attention. Keep your eyes on the Ring of Fire. Something big is about to take place there that will not go unnoticed.

An Arab prince is about to be in your news for a significant reason.

My children, change is about to be noticed- a change that will rock this world and bring a shaking never seen like this before. I am shaking you lose from those chains, their system, and their slavery. Receive your freedom from Me today, saith the Lord your Redeemer.


