Date Word Received: June 7, 2023 (First Prophecy)

Watch video - published June 14, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you that an army is moving- a great and mighty army of My angels that I have sent to help My children in this hour and time; an innumerable army that can't be stopped, an army that is undefeated.   

My children, you may see giants in front of you, their power and strength, all they have done to you, and all it seems they have gotten away with. But what you don't see is the mighty army that is with you. There is more with you than against you. What you see must end. It does have an end date, and it's coming due or about to expire, you would say.  

They, your enemies, thought they got what they wanted. But in actuality, the opposite happened. They pushed their agendas, narratives, propaganda, laws, fraud, and "elected officials" and did more of what they wanted, so seemed like everything was going so perfectly for them. 

But I was there and let them believe that (everything was going perfectly) so they would walk right into every trap I had set for them. Yes, every trap to end each and every one of their plans and, at the same time, awaken My body, My Nation, and the world; to strengthen them and perfect their faith. And as they grew stronger, the enemy's power grew weaker by the day. My children have been growing stronger and stronger in Me, growing in My Word and feeding on My truth to set them free from their captivity.  

My children, it's all coming together, you would say. It is. And I am moving for all the world to know that I am the way; I am the only way. I am deliverance. I am victory. I am love. I am the Most High God, and no one gets past Me.  

So, rest in Me today. Rest in My words. Rest with My peace that I have given to you. Receive My joy that gives you the strength needed to get through each day, to rise above your circumstances when your enemy wants to keep you down. Shout him down and tell him, "No, Satan, you will not take what belongs to me. You will not have your way because God is the way, and he lives in me. He defeated you, and that means you have no power against me." 

My children, learn more about Me, stand against your enemy, and win every time, saith the Lord. 

Great revelations regarding Hammer and Scorecard are coming- much more than has (already) been revealed. 

Drones and the truth of what has been flying above your nation are about to be revealed big time. 

Ragweed: this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

A general is about to be in your news. Great exposures are coming to more people in the government, including the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and some in military positions, that will shock this Nation.  

Watch what they say and do regarding the U.S. currency. My children, stand against global currency. Shout it down now. Shout down this beast system. Do not give in to what they're saying, ever. Regardless of what it looks like, they don't have the power to do it. 

Another major corporation is about to be exposed, and it will take a massive fall. 

Stocks are not done falling for many corporations and big banks. It is about to hit in a major way.   

A day is coming very soon when they will not be able to hold up their stock market because I am coming to shake it like it has never been shaken before.  

Wall Street and every government official who took part in shady deals and insider trading, and got paid to pass unconstitutional laws, are being exposed. These days are all coming to an end. 

A senator is about to be removed from their seat in a shocking way. 

A well-known governor is about to be exposed.  

I told you, My children, this is the time of great reveals and great exposures. Every lie is about to be revealed, and this establishment in D.C. is about to be brought down in a way no man would have thought possible. I am the way to bring it all down faster than any man or military power.   

I am moving with My army toward your enemies, and soon you will see a great defeat and a great overthrow in not only this country but many around the world, saith the Lord of Hosts.


