Date Word Received: May 22, 2022
For I, the Lord, this day declare over My children health, deliverance, and restoration of all that has been stolen.
This is the time of great restorations, great changes, great shakings, great overturnings in all nations, great exchanges, and great truths to destroy all the lies.
Get up now, children of Almighty God, and take the authority I have given you. Speak to what is against you, and destroy its power over you.
Speak to the pharaohs of this day to fall from their places of power. Speak death to all their plans against you. Stop speaking about all the things they are doing. Stop complaining. Start using My Words against it. Tear down those walls and corporations people have raised up against you. Speak life. Speak My Words and not your adversaries.
Tear down their seven mountains of influence with My Words. I will move My hand and destroy all. Everything you see and are experiencing, I will replace it with what I have intended for you to have on this earth.
A great upset is coming. Yes, an upset that will rock this Nation, an upset that will shake this Earth. Your enemies have never faced Me, and they are about to, saith the Lord of Hosts, an abrupt end of their world system.
My children, again, I say do not fear the who, the New World Order, or any world leader. No matter what they say or do, I will not allow it to stand. Stop focusing on them and what they want. Get fed up and speak against it with the authority I have given to you.
An earthquake will shake the west coast of the United States to show you I did say this before it happened. I do give you the news before the news. Do not fear this earthquake, My children. I am warning you, yes, but I will protect you. This earthquake will destroy plans against you they were preparing to release.
Major corruption will be uncovered in Minnesota in many more ways than one. Election fraud, yes, but corruption in many officials. They had many implants in this state to start chaos and trouble in this country.
Compounds will be found with many military-age men training for something big they will never see. Your military knows of these implants and will destroy their facilities and all their weapons. They were planning a major attack in many major cities across this nation all at once. But again, I say they will never get to see it come to pass. Instead, judgment will hit this area and destroy everything they have. Who financed this, you may ask? Your fraudulent government, China, and some Arab nations, an attack bigger than 9-11 to take this Nation down once and for all, but they can't destroy a nation I have blessed, saith the Lord. Gargantuan: this word will be used in your news to describe the mess this fraudulent government is in. Something big is on the horizon, and it will hit them all at once. None of them will be left standing, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A major incident will take place regarding ice hockey. It's not what you are thinking. It's much bigger, and it will make national headlines. An argument will erupt and cause a big scene. Just another distraction they want you to pay attention to.
"Nervous Nellie" will be used to describe a person in your fraudulent government. Yes, they are caught, they don't know how to get out of it, and this person should be nervous. Judgment is not coming. It's here.
Nancy Pelosi: this will describe you in the coming days. You have not escaped as you thought you would. Evidence will be released not only about January 6th but about every election you stole. Your plan to destroy the rightful president, the emails, text, video, and audio evidence has all been collected, and the closer it gets to your end, the more nervous you will be on live TV. You won't be able to hide it. You know they have this information, and you know your time is at its end. Your health will also be leaked in the news. Nothing you tried to keep hidden will stay that way in this time of exposures. Nancy Pelosi, your days are almost up, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A big shake-up will take place at NBC and MSNBC. Whistleblowers and exposures will plague them in the coming days. Truth shall destroy their narrative. Stocks will tumble, and financial woes will break them. I am shutting the mouths of the liars like I shut the mouths of the lions against Daniel. A great silence will hit them all, and a takeover will begin.
Sandusky: this name and location will be in your news.
Another relationship between a Chinese spy and a government official of the United States will be exposed. More snakes in your government than you realized, oh United States, but they will all be brought into the light during this time of great exposures, saith the Lord. They will all be dealt with, and justice will be served. Catapult: this word will be in your news.
Egypt will be in your news. They will announce a Biblical plague has taken place there. How big and how unusual it is. Remember, My children, this is your Great Exodus, so you will see these signs in many locations throughout the world at this time, like in the first Exodus.
A member of your House of Representatives will be in major news reports. Shocking, yes, what is said has taken place and what this person had been doing against your Nation. I told you there is a civil war in this Nation behind closed doors, and it is now spilling over onto center stage. Major fighting will begin with an eruption that will take place in a certain party.
The rightful president has it all, and they know it. He is pursuing them, but they don't know when he will use everything that he has against them. Fear is hitting them. It's growing by the day.
The Pentagon will be in your news: shake-ups, retirements, and people stepping down. Many things are happening there. The world had no idea what was going on. A cleansing has been taking place. Removals are happening now. Watch and see. And don't be surprised when more generals leave their post and their positions of power.
The time is getting close for everything to shake at once. Be prepared, My children, and you will not be shaken. Be strengthened by Me. I will give you rest and peace when the rest of the world looks like it is turning upside down.
Get ready. Get prepared now, My children. My hand is moving quickly even though you don't see it. Yet, you will.
Stand up now against them and watch them all fall. This is your year and the time for your deliverance, saith the Lord your Redeemer.