Date Word Received: April 19, 2023 (First Prophecy)

Watch video - published April 25, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day want to encourage My children that I am in control and your enemies are not. My plans and My Will are going forth and will change the condition of My body, these nations, and this world, including this economy that they have used against you- your enemies' economy. 

My children in the army of the Lord- once again, I am telling you to get up, stand up, and march to the goal line. March to your victories. March forward and take back your families, your health, your freedoms, your peace, and your nations. Take it all back now in My Name- the name that paid for it all; the name of My Son, Jesus, who sacrificed for it.    

It's time to take back the authority and control on this Earth. It's time to take back the governments and the nations from the hands that have hijacked them. Yes, they have hijacked these governments and political power to enslave, kill, and destroy anything that was of Me. Anything good. 

My children, now that you see and know about it (what they enemy has done), shout it out loud, then shout it even louder. Command your freedoms back. Command your nations free from their captors. Don't take their plans anymore. Don't receive their power, their words, the fear, or anything they have tried to pull off. It will all collapse in front of you.  

Things are about to collapse, and things are about to collide. This collision will bring great explosions of truth that will go off and cause massive destruction to your enemies. The time has come when they must come down. They will be removed from where they are.  

I am silencing your enemies. A great silence will come- a silence no man has ever heard or experienced, a silence that will bring peace, freedom, and victories. I am stopping them and their narrative from going forth and prospering against you.   

A great shaking is coming to the news industry. Yes, and with this shaking, there will be proof of many scandals and false narratives- narratives that have stolen nations and brought fear to this Earth like never before. There will be proof of narratives that brought a pandemic (in order) to take more freedoms away, narratives to start unnecessary wars, and narratives to deceive the masses about what is really going on. Their walls are falling, and their narratives will no longer control the airwaves.   

My children, pray for a cleansing of the airwaves and take back this mountain of influence from your enemies, saith the Lord. 

Wausau: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

The fall of the Clintons is about to take place. Whistleblowers will come forward, and major scandals will be exposed. They will not be saved by the deep state this time. A great collapse of the Clintons' power and influence will be seen. Again, treason will be their end, saith the Lord. 

A great catastrophe is about to take place that will get the world's attention. 

The monarchy is about to be exposed for its poisonous background and history they wanted to keep hidden. A whistleblower is about to expose it all.   

Trains. Trains- the truth regarding the trains and what you have seen is coming. Another one will cause an explosion, but the truth will be told. This location is extremely important. Keep your eyes on it because more exposures will take place there. 

Another major explosion at a food processing plant will be in your news. This will signal more explosive information that will prove what they were trying to do to your food. Some explosions were from the enemy to cause food shortages and chaos, and others were caused by the "good guys," you would say, to help stop the contamination of your food.  

Many things are happening right now, good and bad. But, My children, My goodness will destroy all the bad you see. So, receive a great and mighty victory, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


