Date Word Received: February 9, 2024

Watch video - published February 21, 2024

I, the Lord, this day am telling My children that live in the Land of My Eagle- the globalists are against you, the Deep State is after you, and many foreign nations want to destroy you. It looks like many giants are against you, and you are surrounded with no way of escaping their takeover or control. But aren't you forgetting the most important part of this attack against your Nation and your freedoms in this war? It's Me. I have given you the power to overthrow. I have given you My executive power and My Authority to use against any person or any government that tries to threaten you or hold you captive. 

To My children in the Land of My Eagle: read the Declaration of Independence. There are many things you should know and then use against this unruly, rogue government to stop them from terrorizing you, destroying your cities, destroying your Nation, and stealing your freedoms. I am here to say, My children, you have My Words and My Authority to take out every last one of them. They know the laws of this Nation, and now it is time for you to be aware of them so they can no longer twist them and use them against you. 

My United States, arise in My Name. Arise in My Authority. Take what is yours. You do not need to fight this war alone with your natural strength, intelligence, or weapons. All you need is Me. This battle raging between good and evil is growing in intensity now, so grow in My knowledge about how to fight back with My strength and My ability. 

It is time for you to have your Nation back. It is time for America, My United States, to come alive in Me. Don't you see, My children? I am the missing key to your absolute freedom and the complete destruction of the Deep State, globalist agenda, and every foreign government against you. I am the Great I AM, and My Eagle is about to soar higher than ever before. It will leave your enemies in the dust to never control you or enslave this Nation like this again

Say every day, "We are one Nation under God, not one Nation under man. We will no longer be held or enslaved by any rogue government. We are free now, in Jesus' Name." It is time, My children, to have confidence in My Name and the Authority I have given you. This is the time for this Nation to live and not die, to prosper and not lack, to be free and not enslaved. No man is bigger than Me, and they will find that out, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

San Francisco is going to be in your news for a shocking reason. Secrets will be revealed in a major way. Emails and blueprints about the destruction of that city, along with other major cities, are going to be exposed. 

Nancy Pelosi will soon have to answer for all the explosive information coming out. And soon, I will reveal who she really is, and it will shock this Nation. 

Kamala Harris is about to take a hard hit of truth. This truth will show who she really is and how she got to where she is. Nothing hidden about her will stay hidden. A hot mic will catch her saying something she did not want people to hear. This will expose more about her, and it will cause even the blind to really see the truth

A ghostwriter will come forward and be in your news for a significant reason. 

Arnold: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Another woke company, you would say, is about to be exposed, and you will see them financially collapse. Nothing will stop their fall. 

The real truth about Charles is coming out. "Being king" will not be what he is known for. I told you that nothing is as it seems with the royals. Deep, dark, evil secrets are coming out, and you will see a great change in that monarchy. 

The phrase "catch and release" is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. My United States, wake up to what they have done against you. 

Texas is about to be in even more news reports. Truth is coming out of that state regarding your rights and freedoms in this Nation. It will wake up other states to join them. And it is much bigger than your border. 

My United States, unite in this hour. Unite in My Name. It will completely overthrow and destroy the ones against you. I am your defender so stand and resist even more in this time. 

Watch (and see) how weak the ones against you really are. They have nothing that is bigger than Me, and I am with you. Resist. Push back and watch fear grow in the enemies' camp. A great release will happen in this Nation and all nations, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


