Date Word Received: March 3, 2023

Watch video - published March 10, 2023

I am moving across this land. I am moving across the nations. My Glory will be seen, and it will spark a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit that has never been seen like this before. Multitudes of people will flood the churches and the altars. There will be great revival, great revolution, and a great move of My hand. 

My children, if evil can come this fast and overtake the world, so it seemed, how much greater would My goodness overtake this Earth and restore all that has been stolen from you? I have told you in My Word that I hear the cries of My people, but I will also deliver you out of it all. And that's exactly what I am doing. It's not over. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is forever when it comes to the side of the evil, the wicked ones, and their control. No, their time is about to run out, and when that time comes, great changes will be experienced worldwide. 

The globalists have had their day, and now the darkness and everything they brought, which they thought would collapse the economies and societies into utter chaos, will actually do the opposite. It has caused the start of the greatest awakening of My church. The time of the wake-up call has begun. The time of the greatest move of My hand will be seen and experienced. The world will not stay this way. It will not stay under the control of the One World Government. It is time for My church to take back authority upon this Earth because I have given it to My children. 

I have given you authority. I said Heaven on Earth, and that is what I meant. Before your Savior's great and mighty return for the church, everything will be ripped from the hands of the wicked and given to My children. A great transfer is about to take place. So, get ready for the overflow, My children. Not just in the wealth of the world's economy, but a freedom in your minds and bodies that you have never known before- freedom from the world's bondage, their slavery, and the damage it caused. 

This is the time of the great revolution of restoration. A shift of power that has never happened to this degree before. A shift of wealth and a shift of influence. My Glory will dominate upon this Earth, and it will bring in the great harvest of souls. But some of My children will not partake in this because they will not believe it, so they will not receive it. Their hearts will be hardened because of the darkness that looks like it has overtaken this world. That is why I have told My children over and over again to stay focused on My Word and to get into your prayer closets to fellowship with Me. So that during this time of separation, you will not be deceived into following your enemies and giving in to their deception. 

So, expect it and receive more from Me in this time that you are living in. Because, as I have said before, you are living under an open Heaven. I am an unlimited God, so do not put limitations on My goodness, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 

Okinawa: this location will be in your news for something significant. 

More unusual weather will take place worldwide, and more unusual things will take place in the skies above you and the waters around you. Great and mighty things of biblical proportions will be seen that no one can deny have taken place, and it will get the world's attention. 

A standstill is about to take place. You will know as soon as you see it. 

A well-known airline company will be in your news. Great exposures are about to take place with this company and the FAA. Things are not how they appear to be. Your enemies are trying to sabotage and cause more chaos and fear in your skies, and I will expose it all, saith the Lord. 

A Chinese submarine will be in your news for a significant reason.  

A well-known congressman is about to be hospitalized.  

Something significant will happen in Australia- a great shaking in this land. An uproar and resistance are growing to take back their freedoms in that country. I have told you before that their government will collapse, and a new one will take its place.  

Another act of war is about to take place. It will not go as planned, and it will be exposed.  

Hammer and scorecard, something significant is about to break that will shake this Nation like never before. 

Another whistleblower has been held back for the right time to bring this fraudulent government and their lies to nothing. Something significant is on the horizon to save this Nation. 

A great American revolution has begun, and it will set this Nation completely free from its captors and those who have tried to kill the soul of this Nation. But I am reviving it and making it new. No one will take out or take down My eagle. It is about to soar like never before. 

So, get ready for the greatest Nation on Earth to be born again and to stand above and help set the nations around the world free with My Glory. 

Shout, for great celebrations are about to begin, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 



